Dex, it's understood that when someone is giving a review of their experience, that they are talking about what they experienced and their opinions on it; if you're going to take what the initial post says as being proclaimed as an objective truth, so that you can argue with it, that's on you - but either way, calling other people's opinions 'laughable' is not a good look. Furthermore, I'd say that it feels very strongly as though you are projecting your personal experiences and opinions as objective truths here, not the other way around - you are the one claiming as though it were factual, that the companions of other games were mostly jokes, and that 'you' whoever that nebulously is, only remembers one of them. Sorry, that sounds like you projecting your experience onto others. Maybe you only engaged with and really recall one of the companions from P:KM - that's fine, but it's also personal. I enjoyed several of the KM companions, and got emotionally attached to several of them in various ways. They were conveyed well enough for me to do so, easily in fact, to the point that a specific element of the ending still sits with me as one of the most unjust, unsatisfying and unfairly unrightable wrongs in any game I've ever played and felt invested in.
I don't feel this way about any of the BG3 companions yet, and maybe I will given time... we'll see.
Either way, I'd suggest that you consider reading the post you're giving people advice about properly before you judge it - admitting that you didn't read something, to then tell others what it 'probably' does, and deriding it for that mostly just makes you, yourself, look very foolish. Much of what the initial post states is simple a notation of things that are factually true. Other parts of it are clearly personal opinions or feelings about how some elements landed or didn't - it's very easy to tell which is which. If you've got an issue with any of the factual information provided, I'm sure we'd all benefit from a correction, if you've got it to hand.
Last edited by Niara; 12/10/23 03:46 AM.