Originally Posted by papercut_ninja
Originally Posted by Tarlonniel
Originally Posted by EMar
Because could they really have meant for Halsin to move on to flirt with Tav's girlfriend when Tav rejects his proposal to become a lover? I can't imagine that's what they intended here.

I can imagine it. From one perspective, it sort of makes sense, but only in the world of video games where our discussion options are limited to what the devs give us. In real life, presumably there would've been a conversation with SH along the lines of "Is our relationship going to be strictly monogamous? Poly? Open to flings?" etc., setting up boundaries. The game, instead, just throws a series of optional encounters your way and your reactions to them - plus SH's follow-up reactions - only sort of fuzzily outline where the boundaries are at the moment.

If you've (for example) decided your character is the strictly monogamous type and would object to SH having a fling, there's currently no way to make the game "know" this, so there's no way for SH to know it - or Halsin to know it. He flirted with you, got turned down. But that doesn't mean Shadowheart turned him down, and in certain kinds of relationships, it'd be perfectly possible to start something up with her, something not involving you. Are you in one of those kinds of relationships? SH has no idea, there's no way to "tell" her. Halsin also has no idea, there's no way to "tell" him. So the game just sort of assumes you are. Thanks game.

But in all these situations the intentions from Halsin do involve Tav as well. He is not just hitting on Shadowheart, he clearly outlines that it involves Tav as well. And the game certainly knows that Tav is not interested when they reject him, just like the game knows that Tav is not interested after they reject Astarion, Wyll, Karlach or Gale, and none of them ever disrespect Tav's boundaries by pushing the matter (the character who is written to be a manipulative and pathological liar shows more consideration and respect for consent than the noble and wise archdruid!). With Halsin it gets super pushy and uncomfortable, even if you leave jealousy, cheating or other feelings about Shadowheart or Astarion out of it.
Edit: Like my character can't be a heterosexual male or lesbian female, because the game has already assumed that they are attracted to Halsin for me.
I agree, this is more than unhealthy. He sees two women together, not only does he asks one of the women ( my character) , if she wants to do the deed with him, but after a No, he goes on and asks her girlfriend, if he can join in in our relationship. That is outright toxic, homophobic and close to rapist behaviour. It is highly problematic.
I am not a Halsin fan, so I just ignore him, get him abducted and 'fail' the persuasion role, problem solved. I just wish to could decline him joining you, like every other companion, but no, the sex offender is forced on us.
But for the people, who actually wanted him as a companion, a complete rewrite would be necessary to even make him work ( and no,I'm not talking about the poly thing, before that one person comes barging in again, but his general behaviour).
I mean, he occupies a rare companion spot, doubles down on a class and a race, we already have, instead of giving us something unique, the least, they could have done, would be to make him likeable enough, so we actually might want him in the party. I mean look at Jaheira, look at Halsin. Who will realistically in your party as the druid in Halsins current state?

Last edited by fylimar; 12/10/23 05:46 AM.

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