Originally Posted by Tarlonniel
Originally Posted by fylimar
I agree, this is more than unhealthy. He sees two women together, not only does he asks one of the women ( my character) , if she wants to do the deed with him, but after a No, he goes on and asks her girlfriend, if he can join in in our relationship. That is outright toxic, homophobic and close to rapist behaviour. It is highly problematic.

Like I said, you're assuming a particular relationship exists between your character and SH and the game is assuming another one. In your headcanon, SH should be over there rejecting Halsin, refusing to consider his advances at all, even if she's attracted to him, because she knows your character wouldn't be up for an open/poly arrangement. But she doesn't. The game is assuming something else. I'm not saying it shouldn't be changed, I'm just speculating about the "What were they thinking?!" question above.
Shadowheart's reaction has nothing to do with this once you've rejected Halsin that should be the end of it. He's the one that initiated the banter with SH that people don't like, not her.