Originally Posted by Michieltjuhh
Originally Posted by fylimar
Or have SH a whitty reply like she had with Wyll - that would make sense, especially seeing, how she and Halsin didn't really got along in act 2. He had become a Mary Sue: suddenly everybody loves him. Astarion should not like him, neither should Lae'zel or Shadowheart, Karlach, Wyll and Gale should be on good terms with him and probably Jaheira, since they were old working buddies.
Yeah, she could say she'd rather go make sand castles with you alone if you chose that dialogue option. Or if you chose the other one, she can just say she needs your full attention so she can properly learn to swim.

Remove his self inserting during the drow scene entirely and the Halsin situation for Shadowheart is partially solved already. At least the unavoidable part, the rest needs work but isn't as high priority. Rather have them work on making Halsin an actual romance companion first, not just a one time meme with no consequences.
There was a suggestion to add extra dialogue option at drow scene with halsin/sh which I found funny. Something like add the dialogue option after Halsin's phrase about nature's gifts : 1.Go for SH 2.Go for Halsin 3.Go for drows. I guess not everyone is into writer's certain fetish...

Last edited by Netav; 12/10/23 07:32 PM.