Sheesh, I come home from work and you folks have set the thread on fire... hahaha

Originally Posted by Netav
If they, lets say, reworked this banter to hit only on SH(without MC), I would be way more mad.

Wait, so... you think it would be worse if Halsin was very clear about respecting the MC's "No" and only asked about something with SH alone? Like, if the Halsin scene at camp was sort of reversed, so he initially approached SH instead of you and asked her to go talk to you about it, which resulted in a conversation where you could express your lack-of-okayness - that would be horrible?

Originally Posted by Netav
Its almost if she treats Halsin no more than a casual sex thing for a player(or both).

Well, yes. That's how almost the whole game starts treating Halsin in Act III.

Last edited by Tarlonniel; 13/10/23 12:01 AM.