Originally Posted by Noelle666
Originally Posted by AmayaTenjo
Like, why ignore everything that was already there. Why make new stuff up from scratch when you already have things to expand on.
Exactly! Many people here don't need something completely new: just some slight changes here and there, expansions, maybe moving some dialigues from one act to another. It won't be too resource consuming and won't bring drastic changes. We don't need Halsin to be completely rewritten since he is perfect in Acts 1 and 2.

I wouldnt say perfect, but it was workable at the very least. I liked the anticipation but I dont think it was intentional and it wasnt really aknowledged by Halsin until into act 2. We really do need something before reaching the shadow cursed lands. But even then it shouldnt take too many resources to do so. Im sure Halsin's VA would be happy to record new lines if he was asked.