Originally Posted by Netav
Because its the opposite what team SH wants. Don't get me wrong, its still shitty that he acts like this. We just want this "out of character" interaction to be removed, not expanded or have more control with this situation(As stated before - let it play only if MC in active romance with both of them).
We don't want SH suddenly to flirt with Halsin, it is out of her character. We just want this interaction to be removed for those who solo romace her, literally nothing changes for those who romance both and this banter makes sense in duo romance situation. It's way easier to fix just by putting extra flags for this banter to be played(at least in my eyes).
This is how dialog worked in DA2 and DAI. Companions would flirt with each other or even more only if they were not romanced by a player. This is not a new thing but somehow bg3 doesn't have it properly implemented.

Last edited by sezz; 13/10/23 12:33 PM.