Originally Posted by RingRong
I've now gone through BG3 for the second time, and this time I had Karlach in my party and saw her ending. And man, it's such a great ending for such a great character, very dissonant with the character himself. But people on the forums are whining and asking for it to be redone because you see it's too sad and violent. People seriously what's wrong with you this dramatic ending (in my case with her death in the finale) perfectly suits this character, yes sad, but so and so should be, that's what the developers wanted to achieve, that was their idea. Such a cheerful and positive character with such a tragic ending, it's great, a very strong emotional moment with her death, which works just as well in many ways thanks to the fact that fate is an evil bitch and unjust to such good people (just like in real world, right?), it can not always end well and everyone will live happily ever after, it's just not interesting and boring. Considering BG3 was originally supposed to be much darker, this storyline fits it perfectly. But no you want to ruin all the hard work of the writers by demanding a happy ending for her, seriously? I understand if it was buggy or unfinished, but no there's nothing wrong with it, so why change anything?

Firstly, I appreciate your insights on Karlach's ending in BG3, it resonates a lot with the split perspective I share on the character. Your perspective is entirely valid; the dissonant and tragic climax to her character arc does indeed accentuate the unpredictability and, often, the harshness of fate – both in the game's universe and, as you pointed out, in the real world. That said, while understanding and respecting the narrative choices of the developers, I think the consensus of this thread is to advocate for an additional ending option.

One of the key features of role-playing games like BG3 is the variety of narrative paths available to players. While the tragic ending serves as a poignant reminder of life's unpredictability, offering an alternate, more hopeful conclusion doesn’t negate that point. Instead, it broadens the scope of experiences available to players. It allows for a wider spectrum of emotional engagement, ensuring players who want a break from the often grim real world have a chance to see their favorite character find some semblance of happiness.

Throughout the storyline, Karlach constantly battles her impending doom, holding onto hope even in the bleakest of situations. While the bittersweet and tragic endings are artistically and narratively strong, offering an ending where her enduring hope pays off can serve as a testament to her resilience and the broader theme of hope's power.

Many players become deeply attached to in-game characters. While tragic endings can be deeply moving and memorable, they can also leave a lasting sense of sorrow. By offering an alternate ending, players are given the choice to decide Karlach's fate based on their own emotional journey and relationship with the character.

Advocating for an additional ending doesn’t necessarily mean discarding the original one. Both can exist in parallel, preserving the originally intended narrative while providing an option for those seeking something different. This approach ensures the hard work of the writers isn't "ruined" or diminished but rather expanded upon.

In conclusion, while I completely understand where you're coming from and respect the strength of the narrative crafted by the developers, I believe there's room for multiple endings that cater to diverse player experiences. After all, a story’s strength lies not just in its conclusion, but in the journey and the choices that lead there.