Originally Posted by Backinstyle
Both SH and Halsin were retconned in act 3, or at least parts of it, to try and make the polyamory/group sex fit. What we got instead was just shallow and nonsensical.

In the SH thread, we've spent days analyzing SH's behaviors and dialogue to see if polyamory fits her in Act 3 and everything points to her wanting a monogamous relationship with the player only, without casual sex. Add on the fact that if you aren't romancing her, she shows no interest in Halsin at all, nor him with her. Plus she like hates him at the end of act 2 lol So no I don't think she is interested in him, canonically anyway. That's why the banter sticks out like a sore thumb because that isn't an optional side thing and is OOC. I don't see any other companion offering to join in with SH/Tav, because that would be weird (if you're in a monogamous relationship with SH)

And then there's Halsin, who becomes an entirely different person in like all of act 3.

I wish they would have put more thought and care into all of this, because it really shows. Seems like this game needed like 6 more months in the oven tbh.
You know, I hate that from a perspective of making money they probably made a good choice in releasing it early. But now that the rose tinted glasses are off, problems like this are just becoming more apparent. Honestly, I personally wouldn't have included poly relationships in the game at all because they are way too complicated. I get that they want to be inclusive, but still with the way this is written right now makes most people who find out about this while they have exclusively romanced Shadowheart feel inadequate.

Last edited by Ehhhh123; 13/10/23 08:51 PM.