The issue is that he is represented as polyamorous, which he actually isn't when you actually look at it.
He also isn't a fair representation of RA either.
What he is, however, is a man who forces his own desires on you with a toxic ultimatum of friends with benefits, where he withholds affection he has nutured for some time. He argues if you truly know your own feelings if you reject him. And if you reject him, and you romance Shadowheart, he will try to get into a threesome with you both through her, though you rejected him.
He will also try to force him into a orgy with you as soon as you talk to the drows at the brothel.
I would have been good with a healthy representation of Polyamory and relationship anarchy, but that is not what Halsin is.
When you look closely, he is a entitled "nice guy" who struggles with consent, despite claiming the opposite, and who is unwilling to commit to the dedication required for a healthy polyamorous and RA attachment.
In a way, I will claim that Halsin is actually extremely heteronormative in the absolute worst sense, while making a mockery of the consideration, respect and compromise real polyamorous relationships requires.
So while going for creating a polyamorous person, they ended up making an fboy. Man, I don't know if I should laugh or not.
Another thing I'm bothered by: if for whatever reason you go to the drow twins in the brothel with a romanced shadowheart and unromanced halsin in your party, you'd get disapproval from both of them if you deny the orgy. And if for whatever reason you decide to take part in the orgy, the scene basically tells you that you and the twins mostly watch halsin and shadowheart together. I'm sorry but my Lord this 99% looks like a fetish inserted in by the writer of these two. It feels so malicous, to be honest.
Another thing I'm bothered by: if for whatever reason you go to the drow twins in the brothel with a romanced shadowheart and unromanced halsin in your party, you'd get disapproval from both of them if you deny the orgy. And if for whatever reason you decide to take part in the orgy, the scene basically tells you that you and the twins mostly watch halsin and shadowheart together. I'm sorry but my Lord this 99% looks like a fetish inserted in by the writer of these two. It feels so malicous, to be honest.
Indeed, it almost seems like the writer forced his hidden sexual fantasies and fetishes on the players just to get is into the world. Still don't get how someone's able to write 2 full acts of perfectly fine characters just to throw it all in the bin by adding suppressed fantasies. I mean, I'm sure there are forums for that.
Another thing I'm bothered by: if for whatever reason you go to the drow twins in the brothel with a romanced shadowheart and unromanced halsin in your party, you'd get disapproval from both of them if you deny the orgy. And if for whatever reason you decide to take part in the orgy, the scene basically tells you that you and the twins mostly watch halsin and shadowheart together. I'm sorry but my Lord this 99% looks like a fetish inserted in by the writer of these two. It feels so malicous, to be honest.
I didn't get this scene but wow this is disgusting
I never would have found out about this at all, but I got rec
Originally Posted by iloverainbow
Originally Posted by Ehhhh123
Another thing I'm bothered by: if for whatever reason you go to the drow twins in the brothel with a romanced shadowheart and unromanced halsin in your party, you'd get disapproval from both of them if you deny the orgy. And if for whatever reason you decide to take part in the orgy, the scene basically tells you that you and the twins mostly watch halsin and shadowheart together. I'm sorry but my Lord this 99% looks like a fetish inserted in by the writer of these two. It feels so malicous, to be honest.
I didn't get this scene but wow this is disgusting
I never would have found out about this at all, but after being recommended a youtube clip... this sucks.
I�ve given warnings about this before, but speculating about real life �fetishes� of individuals seems really out of order to me. Let�s stick to expressing any concerns we have about the content without slipping into making it personal.
I also don�t want to see folk expressing alternative views to a number of vocal, repeat posters here being accused of being trolls just for saying what they think in accordance with forum rules. That looks like trying to dismiss and shut down alternative viewpoints, not by engaging in good faith with their views but by trying to silence them. It�s also fine just to let others have their say and not engage.
Also, and this isn�t a moderation point, I will say that specifically choosing to watch clips of content that we wouldn�t encounter in our own game because of choices we make, but which we find upsetting, may be best avoided. If there�s content that we dislike that we encounter in our own games that�s one thing. That the game includes optional content that we wouldn�t like but would never see in game, but others might trigger if they make different choices than we would is another.
"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
The more I read, and the more I think about all of this, the more pissed off I get about what they did to Halsin. When I first ended up here it was because of slight disappointment about the fact that the "relationship" felt one-sided and that I couldn't come with him in the end. While in the game, I held on to the idea of ACT 1-2 Halsin and let most of his faults in ACT 3 slide, because, you know, I liked him. Still, it didn't take long for my manipulated brain to realize what Halsin had actually done to my Tav, but now...well, now I'm just mad. Mostly because I'm pretty sure they won't fix him.
I have to ask; am I the only one who gets sick to my stomach whenever I see some new sexualised Halsin content?
Something as small as the VA publishing a playlist on Spotify with songs appealing almost only to his sexuality and then the journalist going "I told you Halsin was horny".
Well, VA, in my opinion, merely analized the character we have now and gave his opinion on what this character may have in his playlist. (I think each of us could have something different because we all are different). As for journalist.. well, again, they say what they see and, unfortunately, just as for many of people, it is yet again "bear sex".
Originally Posted by AmayaTenjo
Though I fell for him when he mentioned the whole people in positions of power thing. Ive said in my real life to people before "People who run for public office usually dont have the publics best interest in mind" and to hear Halsin say something so similar made me feel a real connection to him, like we shared a deep value or belief.
My poor darling Halsin was used, abused, exploited and thrown away like garbage by Larion, their quality team, and his writer.
You know what? Some time ago I was wondering why I love Halsin so much (if you except the obvious reasons). And then I just realised he reminds me so much about a very good friend of mine: his care about nature, his opinion on people in power. So I understand you.
You know, I don't think we're gonna get anywhere with this. The community seems supportive of this thing going on between Shadowheart and Halsin and even consider it normal. Don't think minds are gonna be changing anytime soon.
The community seems supportive of this thing going on between Shadowheart and Halsin and even consider it normal.
What community is that? I mean, two of the biggest threads here on the forum are related to the issue and it seems very few people are content with the situation. Same goes with Discord, lots of comments on this, and very few to no posts to support the matter.
You know, I don't think we're gonna get anywhere with this. The community seems supportive of this thing going on between Shadowheart and Halsin and even consider it normal. Don't think minds are gonna be changing anytime soon.
If you are talking about discord thing... don't mind them, you have to get to their level first to have any type of convo first and not "fight" them right away. Besides I'm not sure if chat even count, just feedback and forum should work(and reddit prehaps).
Yeah I got suspended for being too "passionate" about it, probably shouldn't have done that. But outta curiosity, just in case I need to touch some grass. Is it normal for people in a relationship to flirt with other people?
Yeah I got suspended for being too "passionate" about it, probably shouldn't have done that. But outta curiosity, just in case I need to touch some grass. Is it normal for people in a relationship to flirt with other people?
Depends, in a healthy relationship this stuff should be discussed and if someone doesn't like this, well, it's not normal if partner has knowledge that their other half is not ok about it(and they respect it obviously).
Yeah I got suspended for being too "passionate" about it, probably shouldn't have done that. But outta curiosity, just in case I need to touch some grass. Is it normal for people in a relationship to flirt with other people?
Depends, in a healthy relationship this stuff should be discussed and if someone doesn't like this, well, it's not normal if partner has knowledge that their other half is not ok about it(and they respect it obviously).
Ok, but in general you don't do that kinda thing unless specifically mentioned that it's okay, right?
I guess its at least strange, but really depends on the person(But honestly I dont think SH is that kind of person, she is very caring about Tav, some say that she basically turns into a "mush" and loses her bite regarding Tav).
I guess its at least strange, but really depends on the person(But honestly I dont think SH is that kind of person, she is very caring about Tav, some say that she basically turns into a "mush" and loses her bite regarding Tav).
Yeah, that's why I feel that flirting was super outta place. Oh well, I hope this whole debacle is brought to attention and good changes are made. All I can do now is vent about it.
Halsin being poly really makes no sense for his character though. Like it really doesnt.
The dude is a walking talking commitment machine.
He commits to spending 100ish years researching a curse he is determined to lift, he commits to being archdruid, he commits to help us, complete STRANGERS, with our tadpoles which will take god knows how long, stays with us after the end of act 2 in spite of how much bigger our problems are now, he commits to playing daddy with a bunch of orphans in the end.
But he cant commit to Tav? Really?
The whole thing about him in acts 1 and 2 and even when he confesses to you is that he wants Tav and is dedicated to Tav. We help him with the shadow curse, he is grateful and helps us in return, we get to knoelw eachother and fall feeply in love along the way. Thats the direction the narrative was going up until act 3. It is a huge narrative whiplash for one reason. This poly thing was shoehoned in to excuse his writers bad writing and stupid fetishes and we all know it and it doesnt fit. Period.