Originally Posted by Noelle666
And why not bring this issue up? I think player has a right to know what their potential LI is interested in and then get two options (or maybe three): accept it, decline it, have a compromise (if you feel that you want to be with this person but something stops you). You don't force someone to change their view on relationships - you express your thoughts and then you both come to a conclution.

Because it doesnt seem to be what Halsin himself would be interested in anyway based on acts 1 and 2, thats the big problem here, it was written in for the lulz by his writer. As I said, even when Halsin is not in the picture, the only character bringing up poly relationships is TAV. Tav brings up the idea of being poly long before Halsin is even an option. SO this idea that Halsin needs to talk to Tav about him being poly doesnt make sense in the first place, it was written into his character after the fact. Tav has to seek out multiple romantic relationships for this option to even trigger. Tav is theoretically the poly one. Halsin shouldnt need to have a conversation with Tav about him being poly or fluid and what it means because all the events seem to point in the opposite dorection for him, TAV needs to have the conversation with Halsin about Tav being poly and what that means. Especially if Halsin has made it clear HE only wants TAV "I want only you" but wants TAV to have whoever TAV wants "but I want others to find happiness with you". If you are playing a mono Tav, and lets be real the vast majority of people are, then Halsin being "poly", wanting only Tav, but wanting Tav to be with others doesnt make sense at all. This seems to be more of a cuckhold kink than poly.

I dont have a problem with the idea of the conversation itself, merely the flow and direction it takes.

Which is why I proposed this

Originally Posted by AmayaTenjo
I guess mainly my issue is I just think the roles need to be reversed. So instead of the convo looking like this:

H: I like you but Im poly and thats how it is
Tav: I like you too and thats okay


H: I like you but im poly
Tav: I like you too but im not into poly
H: oh ok well I can not be poly right now for you

It SHOULD look like this:

H: I like you and want to be with you
Tav: I like you too, but Im already in a relationship. Id like to be with both of you.
H: Im open to that, make sure its ok with your partner first.
Tav: Ok I will
Tav: They said it was okay with them
H: ok great lets all be together


H: I like you and want to be with you
Tav: I like you too and Im interested, but Im already in a relationship. Let me go talk to my partner
Tav: I talked to them and I decided I want to be with just you.
H: ok great lets be together


H: I like you and want to be with you
Tav: I like you too and want to be with you
H: Ok great lets be together then

Last edited by AmayaTenjo; 14/10/23 05:14 PM.