Originally Posted by Zentu
However not every story needs, or should have the wines and roses happy endings.

Karlach going back to Avernus with Wyll and Tav seems actually happy to be there. The cigar scene to me is awesome. She can stay in the Realms but would have to accept being a Mind Flayer. While this might not be the life she desires it is a choice to live and then of course she can choose death.

I get that everyone wants every ending to be all smiles and giggles but the ending for Karlach, to me is not nearly as bad as people are making it. She has the chance to have two dear companions adventure with her and help her enjoy sweet revenge on those that hurt her. That seems a pretty good way to go forward in life to me.

The problem is that literally every other companion can have happy ending. Not completely sunshine and rainbows, but at least one that's hopeful and isn't decided by one dialogue in the end (mostly due to bugged interaction) even if you didn't bother with companion's story at all. Even if some characters like Astarion can't have the super sweet fairytale ending (which is kinda stupid that we can't cure his vampirism but whatever), their fate can be altered with at least some hope. Not the case for Karlach, when does that leave us? With some strange hate boner Larian has towards her or what?

Originally Posted by Vegor

This is a genuine question to everyone in the thread here (not a loaded one). Do you feel that Larian cares about our concerns on this matter (or any matter like this)? I just realized going through these threads there doesn't appear to be a lick of acknowledgement from Swen and his team about this stuff.

No, the game sold well and Larian almost shut down before BG3 was released. There is no way they'll waste more resources to please 10 people on the forum. Our best shot would be some kind of Avernus DLC, but that by itself is a problem and very disgusting tactic