My second post refutes most of the above. I'll wait until you've replied to that one as otherwise I'd just be repeating myself (I wrote the first one before you replied to Ehhhh123 so I had to separate them).

Originally Posted by Frog001
I can see how it may seem that way upon reading it in a text log, but upon hearing it without in-game music and city noise I just don't see it that way. And it is pretty reasonable to think that not every time you go to the beach it has to be very intimate.
It happens the day after your intimate night together (sure, it can happen later if you don't bring Halsin until then, but it's coded to happen straight after). Other companions potentially talking about it was foreshadowed by her implying they'll know. It'd be naďve to assume it wasn't referring to the intimate night you had with her. Plus, the way you both talk about wanting more of those nights and how she'll be an eager student if you are a thorough teacher, it's heavily implied that the rest will be quite intimate too.

Last edited by Michieltjuhh; 15/10/23 11:20 AM.