Originally Posted by Backinstyle
I have no faith in them. The fact that they added this at all proves that I shouldn't. There's no fixing certain aspects of the game, they purposely put in, for nothing but meaningless erotic entertainment. They should never have lowered SH's character to that, it's demeaning. I'm going to try and focus on her romance, but I can't forget what they've done. I paid $90 for this bullshit and I won't forgive them for this disgusting lack of care.

Maybe more ppl will agree once they know about it, but I doubt it will change anything about the porn stuff.

Larian just doesn't care about Shadowheart as a character, otherwise they would have never done this to her, it contradicts everything about her. So screw Larian, they don't deserve the praise they're getting.
They can fix it, they can remake orgy to make sense and other interactions.