Originally Posted by Auric
Since I don't have any of the problems with Shadowheart's content in general that you do, I see things different. If they fix Halsin to respect consent, that pretty much solves the basic necessities I think need to be addressed. Second on the list is his general characterization in Act 3 being so wildly out of character compared to who we get to know before then, a problem completely unique to him and the circumstances of his inclusion as a companion in development. Third on the list if they get ambitious is yes a lot of work to follow through on developing better poly dynamics involving Origins in a better way than was done with Halsin, but that's still better to hope for than deleting options entirely imo.
Read the quotes I posted over from page 31 and tell me how it makes sense that she will accept poly/open with Halsin but not with the characters that she was way more attracted to.

It requires so much suspension of belief that it's just incredibly bad, inconsistent writing. That's the whole problem. And yes, Halsin's characterization in act 3 is incredibly bad right now. That's why the Halsin thread is even longer than this one.

I personally would prefer them deleting these vacuumed scenarios than pull them out of the vacuum and write additional dialogue around them so they make sense. But either way, I'd be content, because what bothers me is the inconsistent out of character replies that have no consequences. I just think that it would cost too much time that I'd prefer they spent on - for example - superior epilogues, and therefore removing these interactions is just significantly easier because it's much less work.

Originally Posted by KillerRabbit
I don't think it needs to be changed but one place I would like to see is to invite nocturne into the relationship. I got the sense they were more than friends once.
Nocturne herself heavily implies it was a platonic relationship, so they'd have to tweak her dialogue a bit to make that work, but not much. I was actually quite surprised by that myself.