Originally Posted by KillerRabbit
Well they gave Tav a crappy line with Karlach - "I'm not swan?" Yuk.

But, again, doesn't seem mono to me. Sounds like a gracious response to someone who is announcing themselves to be a free agent.

(very) unpopular opinion: I don't think Karlach is very well written.
Indeed, it's her graciously bowing out. Until you decline Karlach for her, then she hardly feels bad for her because she's happy she got you. Even though she has flirted a lot with Karlach and therefore evidently cares for her. But not enough to want a relationship with her, because she wants mono with you.

Originally Posted by KillerRabbit
On Wyll, that is undoubtedly the response of someone poly.

"Wyll comes from an old, traditional line. I doubt his family would like their heir to introduce them to his lover's lover."

Notice she's putting it on Wyll and his family not her own inclinations.

"In truth, I don't think I'd want to be your spare lover." It's a dig - SH has sharp edges - but I read it as "I don't want to your secondary, I want to your primary"
So what she says that backs you up if you ignore the rest is true, and what she says that proves you wrong and blatantly states she's mono is just her lying?


Here's what someone who doesn't assume she's lying about everything that's convenient for your argument sees: She gives an excuse as to why Wyll doesn't want it, but then speaks the truth about why she doesn't want it. And the reason she doesn't want it is because she wants you alone. With nobody else involved. I think they have a word for those type of relationships.

Last edited by Michieltjuhh; 15/10/23 11:32 PM.