Originally Posted by Netav
Honestly I think we wont get whole rewrite to get fully monogamous SH. I think what I described is the best we can get probably(monogamous that ok with open relationship, if player wants it).
If nothing changes, you don't have to twist truths to justify it. It's a story. Inconsistencies happen. There is no such thing as perfect writing. See it for what it really is: an out of character optional interaction that doesn't define her character otherwise. If you start justifying it the way you are, you'll start seeing her that way, and that'll just ruin her character for you.

That's why it's a problem in the first place. Some people struggle way more staying immersed because they try to justify it and then just see her as someone she wasn't meant to be portrayed as. Which will just make the rest of her interactions more odd again, because she's suddenly back to her old writing. But she's not a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde character, it's just a few inconsistent optional interactions in a 150 hour story.

Last edited by Michieltjuhh; 16/10/23 01:21 AM.