Originally Posted by Auric
Originally Posted by MarbleNest
now, we add character assassination of what, in my opinion, is one of the most well-written and complex characters in RPGs?
It was brought up earlier but there's a fair amount of reason to believe it's not "character assassination" but rather following step with WOTC and a book they wrote called "Minsc and Boo's Journal of Villainy".

Trying to claim it isn't character assassination, in the same breath as saying "following in step with WOTC", is a bit humorous. Not in a good way, but humorous all the same.

Originally Posted by Auric
but this is what WOTC canonized.

I consider BG1 and BG2 to be the canon story. Any awful and widely-mocked trash WOTC tried to release after the fact, is not what most people who didn't read or even know about it would consider "canon". They would consider the overall events of the past games as the canon, and thus BG3 is indeed retconning and assassinating the canon.

I could give less of a rat's backside what WOTC wants to claim is canon vs. how things were written before by the actual writers who first worked on it. WOTC hasn't exactly given me, or anyone, a reason to extend that courtesy and good will towards them. They're an awful company.

There have been a lot of what feel like, kind of reductive commentary towards people who have played BG1 and 2 quite often for many years, and find this treatment of Viconia (and Sarevok, to a lesser degree) horrid, in this thread - and, with all respect to folks, I don't really plan to get into long discussions over it. Agree to disagree, but as someone who has cited Viconia as probably one of my favorite characters in D&D-related media, learning about all this is incredibly depressing and, quite frankly, kind of infuriating. Like with Halsin's.... everything, I'm glad to learn about it early on before experiencing the full brunt of these feelings myself unexpectedly, but it still doesn't make it sit any better, unfortunately.

edit: Ah, there's the reductive commentary. Yes, it quite is a waste of time trying to speak to people who want to treat other's dissatisfaction as somehow not worth respecting or even trying to understand. Talk down to them and make passive aggressive remarks, instead. That'll show 'em!

Last edited by MarbleNest; 16/10/23 02:20 AM.