The key line around everything really is: "I am comfortable sharing, if you are."

That really establishes and allows for so much.

Is she happy to stay in a committed exclusive relationship with Tav if that is what Tav wants? Yes

Is she initiating and pushing for them to have other partners? No, but if Tav wants it she is ok with it.

Is she expressing anything to suggest she would cheat on Tav or do anything behind their back? No.

Does she assume that her relationship with Tav is, or should be, an open or poly relationship. No, not until Tav initiates things and communicates that they want this.

I can't really find anything questionable, dishonest or inconsiderate in her behaviour or approach here. Apart from when she expresses disapproval around a sexual encounter that Tav isn't comfortable with. She should respect Tav's feelings there, regardless of the circumstances around it. We shouldn't show disappointment towards our partners around their sexual boundaries and comfort.