Originally Posted by Noelle666
I don't think it's a bad idea for companions to have their own preferences. Making them completely playersexual is... I don't know... boring? Not interesting? I remember some people were confused when in Dragon Age 2 all companions were bisexual, some did not like it. It's just... people in real life are not all bi/pansexual and do not prefer both mono and poly relashionships (yes, I know, the games shows us not real world but still). Also, there are such things as head canon, fanfiction and stuff where anyone can use their fantasy in case if they cannot romance a particular character (or if they like NPCs).
I think turning all companions to be open to poly relashionships (to have such option if player decides) will need much more resourses than solving problem of two the most problematic ones.

Originally Posted by AmayaTenjo
He is not my side piece. He is my beloved.
This! approvegauntlet

Usually when companions are gated behind sexuality or whatever there ends up being mods for them anyway. So like mine as well save the modders the work and just make them all open to anything. Those kinds of mods tend to be popular too, so I think more people seem to care about player choice/agency than anything.

We should have less gatekeeping, especially in a game like this, that is supposed to be heavy on player choice. Otherwise this isn't the game it's being advertised as and is just like the other fake "choices matter" games. Choices don't matter if you don't have much choice to begin with.