Joined: Oct 2023
Hey, if Larian wants to be the game company remembered by its horny games complete with bestiality, I guess that's their choice, right?
Hopefully, if that is the case, WotC won't give them any more licensing contracts.
Here's a question for all of you folks who have solomanced Halsin -- if one stays monogamous with him, and doesn't visit brothels or entertain devils, the only letdown is the end? I'm not giving this the thumbs up, I'm just wondering if I should risk it at all. If you ask him about the status of your relationship, even solo, he will apparently refuse to say its a relationship at all, says monogamy isnt for him and uses "nature" as a reason for that. If your poly with him this could be acceptable, hes the side chick after all. Not so much if your solo, particularly after he says "I only want you." "I only want you, you can bang other people if you want Im happy to join in, but I dont want to call what we have a relationship and monogamy is overrated" is what this ultimately comes down to. And yes, the ending is the icing on the cake. He basically says "Ok well Imma go live my life now hope you come visit bye" So wether or not its worth it is up you to and your emotional investment in the character. The old Halsin is still there sometimes it seems. As person who romances Halsin solo, same here. "Yeah, I want only you, but no, rElAtIoNsHiPs is not my thing, we have something more fluid. So if you want to have +1 lover, I'm ok with this, I would like people to know happiness with you". (Oh how I don't like this phrase, gods help me). My question is, does Halsin still have all of this... gross stuff go on with him, if you don't bring Shadowheart, don't romance anyone else, and don't talk to any of the Caress courtesans in Act 3?
Other than the gross "poly" talk, obviously. I know that is sadly unavoidable. But, I could deal with it if the rest of his veritable mess disappears from neglecting to take Shart with me. I haven't seen any cringy dialogues between him and other companions in Act 3, SH has no interest in him. The drow scene, well, it exists anyway, but only if youwant this scene and only him is interested (if Halsin is with you during talk with twins. Astarion and SH has no opinion on that). He says "It remimds me of my youth. If you are interested than I am also ok" (well, you may already know), so he wants to know what the player wants. And afterwards (if you have sex with twins (although they act more like spectators, while you do things with Halsin) you have the dialogue about him being drow slave. So during solo romance Halsin has zero interest in anybody but Tav.
Joined: Aug 2023
Still, that's just what it is. You can choose to romance Halsin or not, but that's the story you're given even if inconsistent. The story plays out wrong for you, but then some people are fine with how it's done.
You see how things can be twisted to fit either scenario? Both SH and Halsin have inconsistent writing and both are treated as nothing but sex dolls in act 3. So maybe consider that fans of both SH and Halsin deserve better, rather than trying to throw us under the bus. Let's not make this long-winded here and spam the thread more with Shadowheart stuff. Fix Halsin being creepy and getting himself involved in Tav and Shadowheart's relationship uninvited and we fix a lot of the problems for those who want an exclusive relationship with Shadowheart, right? You literally spammed the SH thread with an essay about Halsin so lol SH is written as monogamous throughout all of act 1/2 so making her suddenly poly is inconsistent with how she has been written, similar to Halsin. So even fixing Halsin isn't enough to fix the inconsistencies with SH. I mentioned him once as a relevant part of the point and then once as a disclaimer in the end, and I added some clarifications where needed to ensure that readers understood that I am not ok with or supporting how he is written to intrude in an exclusive relationship between Tav and Shadowheart univnited. This is because people can often misunderstand the whole thing and get very worked up if that isn't made very clear. The rest of my "essay" was exclusively about Shadowheart. I am not trying to convince you that it isn't inconsistent. I don't overthink it too much, Halsin was added late and changed a lot when converted from a camp follower to full companion. That caused a bunch of inconsistencies. To me the case is pretty much wrapped up and closed on this one.
Joined: Oct 2023
And because Halsin was added late and they needed a couple companions to do "poly" with him that caused inconsistencies with SH. You're making it out to be about Halsin only and I just don't think that's the case.
Joined: Aug 2023
And because Halsin was added late and they needed a couple companions to do "poly" with him that caused inconsistencies with SH. You're making it out to be about Halsin only and I just don't think that's the case. There, now you are also not overthinking it. Why don't you settle for that interpretation? Perhaps you will need to re-think it if new information comes to light, but honestly, is that very likely after 100+ pages of discussions in these threads?
Last edited by papercut_ninja; 16/10/23 10:05 PM.
Joined: Oct 2023
And because Halsin was added late and they needed a couple companions to do "poly" with him that caused inconsistencies with SH. You're making it out to be about Halsin only and I just don't think that's the case. There, now you are also not overthinking it. Why don't you settle for that interpretation? Perhaps you will need to re-think it if new information comes to light, but honestly, is that very likely after 100+ pages of discussions in these threads? I've already stated this in I think both threads, so it's nothing new. They forced SH into poly despite everything pointing to the contrary in act 1/2. Just like Halsin also acts differently in act 3. So they're both inconsistent. Glad we can agree.
Joined: Sep 2023
If you ask him about the status of your relationship, even solo, he will apparently refuse to say its a relationship at all, says monogamy isnt for him and uses "nature" as a reason for that. If your poly with him this could be acceptable, hes the side chick after all. Not so much if your solo, particularly after he says "I only want you." I hate that the option literally just stays there the whole time and he says the same thing every time. Like the game is teasing you into thinking you can develop the "relationship". Also, as an avid druid player, I hate the whole nature excuse. It's such a cheap copout. You are not a bear, sir. You are a MAN.
Last edited by Mizukun; 16/10/23 11:57 PM.
Joined: Jun 2020
((And most bear species are monogamous, or at very least serially monogamous, so the 'nature' card is double stupid in his case))
Joined: Sep 2023
They only made him poly because they wanted to do the scenes with the bear and Astarion. Thats it. I dont like the concept at all. I would prefer they just drop the whole thing but that isnt gonna happen.
I am very upsetti and My whole argument is that Halsin isnt poly, never was poly. Poly is just the excuse, not the reason. Wether you want to call it poly/RA/insertanyothertermhere
Halsin is just treated like a side piece regardless. Hes not in a relationship with Tav/Astarion or Tav/SH. He just joins them for sex.
They only try to push this non monogamy for him because his whole "romance" was centered around him being a side piece and they have to try and justify it. It doesnt feel like a natural part of his character. Here's the interesting part. The scene between Halsin and Astarion is played out as origin playthrough Astarion. It isn't related to him being an open/poly relationship character, because Astarion is the PC here, not the other romance companion. He actually doesn't ever have a threesome with the PC and their other romance companion. He has sex with the PC, once, and nothing more. The only exception is the scenario where he will insert himself into the drow twins conversation if the PC romances someone else, but here's the kicker - he does that even if you show no interest in him anyway, so again it isn't related to him being open/poly but just related to him.. existing and wanting sex. And it's the only time the game implies, at all, that he will have sex with more than just the PC. So as it stands, he's just another romance companion that you just happen to be able to romance while romancing some others, but those together don't even do anything. And he, for some inexplicable reason, doesn't believe in relationships, even though he does in act 1/act 2. And despite the fact that he was meant to be poly, which is a form of relationship. So you are entirely correct. It's mind baffling how much contradiction is going on with his entire romance. It's like there's nothing actually correct about it. That is quite the accomplishment, really.
Last edited by Michieltjuhh; 17/10/23 12:18 AM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
I hate that the option literally just stays there the whole time and he says the same thing every time. Me too. With the others, as it changes throughout the game, it's a lovely way to see how you're becoming closer. Such a nice touch. And then Halsin comes along to just make it sad.  Also, as an avid druid player, I hate the whole nature excuse. It's such a cheap copout. You are not a bear, sir. You are a MAN. I'm a big time druid player myself. It's one of the reasons I was looking forward to Halsin so much. Only for my druid to just stand there while he lectured her about how her idea of a re-la-tion-ship was not in accordance with Nature. And it's the only time the game implies, at all, that he will have sex with more than just the PC. Ah, well... he does very much imply that he'd be willing to hit up Astarion, if/when Astarion decides he's up for that. Not sure if there's a similar line for Shadowheart.
Last edited by Tarlonniel; 17/10/23 12:16 AM.
Joined: Sep 2023
Ah, well... he does very much imply that he'd be willing to hit up Astarion, if/when Astarion decides he's up for that. Not sure if there's a similar line for Shadowheart. He says he wants sex with you and one day she can be part of it too. But nothing beyond the implication of such threesome happens, and there's not exactly a lot of time left before the end of the game, where he leaves you instead.
Last edited by Michieltjuhh; 17/10/23 12:22 AM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
But nothing beyond the implication of such threesome happens Unless you talk to a certain pair of drow. Though I'm not actually sure how much Halsin and Astarion interact during that... encounter. Not about to find out either!
Joined: Oct 2023
Im asking again
How the frick did they screw this up so badly
Joined: Oct 2023
I just wanted a normal romance with Halsin like you would get with any of the other companions. Was this too much to ask for
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
How the frick did they screw this up so badly If I squint, I think I see what they were going for. And I don't think they were too far off from achieving it. But a couple of really baffling choices make me wonder if they ran out of time, or some memo didn't get passed around, or (as I've said elsewhere) in Act III they just generally started slipping from writing people into writing video game characters. One of those is much harder to do than the other and many, many players will be satisfied with the easier one.
Joined: Aug 2023
many, many players will be satisfied with the easier one. Normally yeah but other than the general thirst for who he is prior to Act 3, Halsin has fumbled that kind of lowest common denominator satisfaction harder than any other example I know of in videogames. You'd have to go get actual american football clips of the worst fumbles in history to compare.
Joined: Sep 2023
Unless you talk to a certain pair of drow. Though I'm not actually sure how much Halsin and Astarion interact during that... encounter. Not about to find out either! I know, but that part I already covered in the post you replied to. I'll quote it: The only exception is the scenario where he will insert himself into the drow twins conversation if the PC romances someone else, but here's the kicker - he does that even if you show no interest in him anyway, so again it isn't related to him being open/poly but just related to him.. existing and wanting sex. And it's the only time the game implies, at all, that he will have sex with more than just the PC. I suppose you can read what I said at the end of that as wrong, because it is technically implied at the start of the relationship like you said (even if it doesn't really work in the timeframe presented before he just leaves you, plus we see nothing more than the implication that one time), but the rest of it remains correct. I also don't know how they interact, but you probably don't want to know indeed. Just keep it at knowing that they do.
Last edited by Michieltjuhh; 17/10/23 02:03 AM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
It's a shame. Looks like a lot of potential has simply gone to waste. ... still gonna romance him again though, now that I know what not to do. He's so great in the first two acts! And that voice! I can't stop simping, someone send help... but the rest of it remains correct. Hmm. I don't know if I should open this can of worms, but... if you're romancing Halsin + Astarion and you kiss Astarion out in the "open world" with Halsin in your party, Halsin makes a comment. Unfortunately I can't remember what the comment was. I wonder how, uh, voyeuristic it sounded, and if he has a similar thing reacting to Shadowheart/Tav. (Astarion will also react to you kissing Halsin; and Gale will react if you'd been romancing him earlier in the game, then broke up! I couldn't believe it...).
Last edited by Tarlonniel; 17/10/23 02:22 AM.
Joined: Sep 2023
Hmm. I don't know if I should open this can of worms, but... if you're romancing Halsin + Astarion and you kiss Astarion out in the "open world" with Halsin in your party, Halsin makes a comment. Unfortunately I can't remember what the comment was. I wonder how, uh, voyeuristic it sounded, and if he has a similar thing reacting to Shadowheart/Tav. (Astarion will also react to you kissing Halsin; and Gale will react if you'd been romancing him earlier in the game, then broke up! I couldn't believe it...). Ah, fair enough on that then. In that case I had been misinformed, I admit I've never actually tried that myself but everything I've read says that companions never react to you kissing your romance partner. This is obviously a more unique scenario, though, so I probably should've considered that. Still, I do think a single interaction like that is pretty small in the grander scheme of things, and doesn't really properly establish him as being in an open relationship on its own, especially considering people have already asked for similar interactions from non-romance companions. After all, who's going to be kissing, bloodied and all, in the middle of a battlefield. But it's definitely more than nothing.
Last edited by Michieltjuhh; 17/10/23 03:09 AM.
Joined: Oct 2023
It's a shame. Looks like a lot of potential has simply gone to waste. ... still gonna romance him again though, now that I know what not to do. He's so great in the first two acts! And that voice! I can't stop simping, someone send help... but the rest of it remains correct. Hmm. I don't know if I should open this can of worms, but... if you're romancing Halsin + Astarion and you kiss Astarion out in the "open world" with Halsin in your party, Halsin makes a comment. Unfortunately I can't remember what the comment was. I wonder how, uh, voyeuristic it sounded, and if he has a similar thing reacting to Shadowheart/Tav. (Astarion will also react to you kissing Halsin; and Gale will react if you'd been romancing him earlier in the game, then broke up! I couldn't believe it...). I think most, if not all, of your companions have a reaction to you kissing Halsin and he is the only one they react to like that. Just more proof that he was written as a blatant self-insert for the writer.
Last edited by Bigli; 17/10/23 03:13 AM.
Joined: Oct 2023
Not sure where I read about that but someone said that Halsin and SH had a rather bad connection in act 2 - something like Halsin trying to teach SH something? Anyone care to explain in detail?