Originally Posted by Auric
That's not what I did at all, as I don't see it as a character assassination in the first place. Sarevok even redeemed still had his entire history of evil under his belt. You know how often people that get out of cults and the like (in real life I mean) slip back into that sort of thing? It's sadly very common. Viconia on the other hand has not only always been faithful to the greatest source of evil in all of Faerun, but she had an extra hundred years between games to be manipulated into giving ground to Shar's darker asks of her to say nothing of the easy contextual read that maybe she did just have her memory manipulated and doesn't talk about it. Maybe because she doesn't know it happened or because Tav never had a chance to Talk no Jutsu her, it's just speculation but it's very easy speculation to think about. But I mean when the immediate response to "I don't think it was character assassination" is "I don't care what you or anyone says" it's not exactly worth carrying that on is it.

May I recommend you to read previous discussions in this thread? Feel like we might be talking in circles.

The basic points are:

1. Evil characters are different, an evil ambitious conspirator is different from an evil mindless fanatic. (Again, slip back into what exactly?)

2. "Characters can change 180 because time passes and random things could happen" is not an excuse nor character development. And speculations are not evidence, in-game details and quotes are.

3. Some of your memory of old games are inaccurate, "Viconia on the other hand has not only always been faithful to the greatest source of evil in all of Faerun", she hasn't, not in her default ending (evil ending btw, not her romance one). They retconned it on purpose.

Edit: Rahaya said it better.

Last edited by SerTomato; 17/10/23 01:26 AM.