Originally Posted by Michieltjuhh
Originally Posted by Auric
This is the exact problem the discussion continues to run into. Some people are saying "this is how I read the interactions" and some other people are saying "you're making that up." That's why this will continue to circle forever. Agreeing that it is open to interpretation is meaningless when one party will continue to assert that one interpretation is invalid.
I will not lie and say that the a tiny part of me is hoping that John himself randomly shows up and says that this seemingly rather easy to interpret interaction between Shadowheart and Tav indeed didn't have some insanely elaborate and hard to understand meaning behind it.

Because if it does, then I suppose I have misunderstood not just this interaction. I have misunderstood the entire game, because it's full of similar dialogues that can be interpreted in a similar manner while - based on evidence on what happens afterwards - are not meant to be seen as such.

I honestly had the same thought. I thought about posting this to end of my last comment but decided it would be too aggressive. Annie Hall starts at 2:27. "Oh yeah well I happen to have Marshal McLuhan right here . . ." smile