Originally Posted by Ginnung
I dunno what this obsession with comparing BG3 to Starfield is...
It's kinda low-hanging fruit to compare it to a Bethesda game lmao especially when it comes to things like stilted characters.

Well, that is what this thread is partially about so you are of course welcome to ignore it and take part in all the non-Bg3/Starfield comparison threads which is basically all of the other threads here :P

The comparison is being made because they released close to the same time, are both AAA games, and would have previously been considered contenders for GOTY. I do not consider Starfield a contender for GOTY...it's barely a game.

Is it low-hanging fruit because Bethesda is so disappointing and unskilled as a studio? And everyone knows it so there is no point in continually pointing out how lame they are when it's not a point of contention? So we agree that Bethesda sucking is common knowledge? :P

Originally Posted by Rahaya
It's being compared to Starfield (instead of TotK, A6, FF16, RE4, Dead Space, etc) precisely because it's low hanging fruit. A not insignificant portion of the internet is intent on making it the face of anti-AAA sentiment which falls apart if you acknowledge BG3's flaws or Larian doing the same thing, so they either pretend it doesn't exist or downplay it.

No one is doing that. There are plenty of people, including myself who have discussed the flaws with Bg3. You are just disappointed that most people are not having your level of emotional reaction to it. Stop creating illusionary straw men.

It' so funny, I see this kind of shit all the time. On the Rick and Morty subreddit the fanbois had created illusionary straw men of people that would be psychotically upset about the change in voice actors to the point they fantasized that the new actors would be in actual danger. It was literally one of the first comments and nobody had said anything yet. The actual reaction ended up being mostly "Meh, they are ok".

Let's keep the fantasy to the video games we play.
