To be clear, I have not read every post in this thread. EDIT: for reasons I hope are clear, given the number of posts there have been since I started to type this post in response to replies to my earlier post above.

I will comment if I happen to see something I think warrants moderator intervention when reviewing active threads, or if someone reports something. It’s not the case that if a moderator doesn’t say something about a post then they think it’s okay, it could simply be they haven’t seen it.

If folk want moderator action then please use the post report functionality, and if they have any issues or questions about moderator guidance they should PM me rather than entering into discussion about it in thread. I am not going to enter into debate here, particularly on potentially sensitive topics.

I will say that apart from the specific things I have called out, and with the same caveat that I’ve not read everything, I have not seen people derailing the thread. I have seen some people saying they think one thing on this topic, and others who think another, and that is okay. I have also seen it going round in circles, but that’s not something any one poster is responsible for. It is open to anyone to take the moral high ground and agree to disagree, and accept that even those with whom they disagree are posting in good faith and are entitled to their views. I have also seen some folk getting frustrated for various reasons, and while I’d prefer they didn’t and we kept things light, friendly and constructive, I also recognise that we’re all human beings (probably!) and there are things about this topic that folk find emotive. As long as we don’t go too far, understand that getting heated or negative will naturally lead to an equal and opposite reaction, and help de-escalate if things get tense, then we’ll be okay.

Last edited by The Red Queen; 17/10/23 10:38 PM.

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"