Originally Posted by Rotsen
I mentioned this before but if a scene popped up out of nowhere in act 3 where Wyll was saying that he was cool with killing innocent refuges/civilians it would stick out the same way Mizora scene does.

If you've read my comment you know that I think this was foreshadowed / hinted at in the wine sharing conversation. I even provided some youtube links to that conversation. That conversation was in the very first EA release so I've been expecting this for 3 years. "not tonight" is not a hard no. A died in wool monogamist would have given a different response.

So this doesn't stick out for me at all.

You are correct that there is contradiction in the dialogues - does Shar encourage casual sex or no? She did at one point but she lost the portfolio of seduction to Sharess. At the same time SH was raised by Viconia deVir so casual sex might have been then norm in the BG cloister.

If they were to remove one of the two dialogues I think I would remove the "no sex" one - simply because of Viconia's influence and because it works well in this scene.

And I think there's another subtext to this conversation -- an indication that Tav's cheating is moving SH back towards Shar. "so it seems like you are actings just like the asshats that raised me. Perhaps you are more Sharran than I thought you were. I guess I'll forgive this but I expected better from you"

There's an even more glaring contradiction in the Dror Ragzlin - mind flayer conversation. Depending on when you interrogate the corpse you are either certain in infected you or are certain it did not.

Last edited by KillerRabbit; 17/10/23 11:03 PM.