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So it's safe to assume he 'finally figured it out'?

It's weird because a slip up like this should've been viral by now on any social media with how passionate Karlach fans can be lol. Either most didn't pick up on it or they took it to mean something different such as he probably meant the moment where he figured out how to 'cool down' her heart for the time being?

Alas, my english is bad as well lmao.

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Originally Posted by WildOrchid
So it's safe to assume he 'finally figured it out'?

It's weird because a slip up like this should've been viral by now on any social media with how passionate Karlach fans can be lol. Either most didn't pick up on it or they took it to mean something different such as he probably meant the moment where he figured out how to 'cool down' her heart for the time being?

Alas, my english is bad as well lmao.

The video was uploaded 12 hours ago, so unless someone was very slow about it, the stream should be fairly recent too. And how do you expect it to be viral if the only actual discussion about Karlach happens here?

Last edited by Feris; 16/10/23 09:46 PM.
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Love the complete ignoring of twitter comments being full of Karlach complaints every time Larian mentions her, but I digress.

Not everyone watches streams, and I bet a certain amount of people is reluctant to post a slip up not to get them in any trouble. After all, "the chat didn't hear anything, right?".

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Originally Posted by Feris
The video was uploaded 12 hours ago, so unless someone was very slow about it, the stream should be fairly recent too. And how do you expect it to be viral if the only actual discussion about Karlach happens here?

If you think this is the only place where 'actual discussion happens', boy I have news for you. Literally everywhere on SM they talk about Karlach for everything.

Last edited by WildOrchid; 16/10/23 10:11 PM.
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I mean tbh there's not really much here to learn that we didn't know already so I'm not surprised it didn't go viral. All this slip up really says is that Dammon had lines recorded for figuring out how to fix Karlach's engine, which is not really surprising considering all of the wild voice lines we've found in the files. There are voice lines recorded for a Minthara pregnancy arc. There are voice lines recorded (and animated) for Karlach finding out she's in a videogame. There's voice lines for Karlach watching her friend's reunion from the City of the Dead. Karlach's engine having a fix is so glaringly obvious I'd frankly be surprised if they DIDN'T have voice lines recorded for it. It's just for whatever reason, it didn't make it into the game, but a lot of other things didn't either.

The more important thing is that people are still bothering Larian on basically every platform to fix Karlach's problem, and honestly I'd prefer them cooking up something new and exciting rather than just have Dammon jump in and fix everything.

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Originally Posted by Nessius
The more important thing is that people are still bothering Larian on basically every platform to fix Karlach's problem, and honestly I'd prefer them cooking up something new and exciting rather than just have Dammon jump in and fix everything.
Well the good news is there are like was it three or just two other avenues of investigation that are basically SCREAMING "we know about that infernal engine/iron stuff" that just don't have any quest attachment to Karlach's whole thing because her Act 3 quest is just mysteriously missing even though things clearly meant for it are not. The skeleton already exists to do more than just hand Dammon that last piece of infernal metal that otherwise has no use in the game, so it's easy to hope that they add meat onto those bones and either earn the tragedy through a meaningful quest that ends in failure, or opens up a more hopeful ending result that does not involve being stuck going back to Avernus.

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Originally Posted by Nessius
I mean tbh there's not really much here to learn that we didn't know already so I'm not surprised it didn't go viral. All this slip up really says is that Dammon had lines recorded for figuring out how to fix Karlach's engine, which is not really surprising considering all of the wild voice lines we've found in the files. There are voice lines recorded for a Minthara pregnancy arc. There are voice lines recorded (and animated) for Karlach finding out she's in a videogame. There's voice lines for Karlach watching her friend's reunion from the City of the Dead. Karlach's engine having a fix is so glaringly obvious I'd frankly be surprised if they DIDN'T have voice lines recorded for it. It's just for whatever reason, it didn't make it into the game, but a lot of other things didn't either.

The more important thing is that people are still bothering Larian on basically every platform to fix Karlach's problem, and honestly I'd prefer them cooking up something new and exciting rather than just have Dammon jump in and fix everything.

Why do you say he'd suddenly jump out and deus ex machina everything? He literally said he'll try to come up with something, we could bring him enriched iron, maybe something more and then, with the new materials, he'd be able to figure it out.

Originally Posted by WildOrchid
Originally Posted by Feris
The video was uploaded 12 hours ago, so unless someone was very slow about it, the stream should be fairly recent too. And how do you expect it to be viral if the only actual discussion about Karlach happens here?

If you think this is the only place where 'actual discussion happens', boy I have news for you. Literally everywhere on SM they talk about Karlach for everything.

Few unhinged maniacs on twitter is not "everywhere". I'd be not only surprised, but quite concerned if they started to make changes based on twitter demands, even if this one is good for once

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I don't really have anything new to add to the discussion, but I'd still like to add my voice to the pile of the unsatisfied. I recently finished my first playthrough and was thoroughly dissatisfied with Karlach's ending. The whole thing has left such a bad taste in my mouth that I went from planning to immediately start a second playthrough to just not wanting to touch the game again at all.

Karlach was by far my favourite character and you did her dirty - please add some way to fix her heart so I can play the game again without dreading the ending, Larian.

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Hey y'all it's time for my favorite segment "I had a thought and I need to vent it out among like-minded people in a lot of letters".

I think it suddenly dawned on me why Karlach's doomed story feels so much worse narratively for some players (like us) than other doomed videogame characters, lacking quest being just an additional insult to injury. This little something that I think a lot us mean when we say "it's unfair", but not really articulate. hence people thinking we just want sunshine and rainbows.

Will hide under a spoiler 'cause it's big, likely spoilery, and also, well, heavy death-related topic incoming.

Like, we've seen people saying that actually her storyline is great because it's a good representation of loving a terminally ill person and such - and I think in a vacuum most of us agree, it's heartbreakingly written and very well acted, it's the setting and the quest that bring some major disbelief in the mix. However, we've also seen actual people with heart problems come up and say that it feels bad to not be able to do anything even in a videogame.

We've talked about Thane from Mass Effect, whose condition is never a part of his quest and is just a fact (that Shepard can make peace with and romance him as such), and about V from Cyberpunk, whose whole game is exhausting all available options before the inevitable dawns on them. As mentioned, Karlach's situation is neither "you aren't even supposed to help, it's just life", nor "you can fight for her with all you've got", it's in the middle, and it's frustrating.

HOWEVER. Hers is also a tragedy on top of a tragedy. V, Thane, some suddenly killed off characters like Joel, they've all lived. When we meet Karlach, even before we know she's dying, her story is already screwed up enough. Sold, mutilated against her will, forced to fight in a war for 10 years with no companionship or touch, all that good stuff. By the time we (as a friendly Tav or such) learn of her story we're already pissed and hurt on her behalf much like when Astarion opens up about his. Her life up to that point is already incredibly tragic.

So when you stick a terminal inevitable illness on top of that, you get not just a character dying after a life full of experiences and mistakes and whatever, you get a dying character who hasn't even been living for the last decade. That's somewhat - not directly, but somewhat comparable to kids and teenagers dying. Not to infantilize Karlach, of course. I mean this in the same way Sam means it when she talks about Karlach regressing to the age she was last herself at, which is no older than 18 by their estimate. Because she doesn't have any proper living experience past that point. So in terms of, you know, looking at some teenager's grave and instinctively thinking "Shit, man, you haven't even lived..." - that's approximately the same painful note that's present there when you look at Karlach. She isn't just losing her life, she loses it almost immediately after not having had it for a decade.

And sure, some people are sick from birth and never grow up, and that's also a real existing tragedy (regardless of if 'real' tragedies even fit in d&d), but we know that Karlach was a healthy kid, we know that her condition is manmade - even if it wasn't, however... An adult dying before their time after having lived a life is a tragedy. A person dying before they even get to live properly is an even heavier tragedy. By itself.

And all that weight (which is harsh enough for a lot of people) is dropped on top of an already sufficiently enraging story that makes us rally for her. An unfairness that technically can be compared on an emotional level to a teenager dying is attached to a very much adult woman already robbed of her life prior to that. It's not just a tragedy, it's a double tragedy sandwich, maybe even triple. That's not just 'what a relationship with a terminally ill person feels like', that's a traumatized ex-slave with CPTSD and a huge gap in lived experience (which is already more than enough on one person) who is also, on top of that, dying tomorrow. That's a conscripted teenager coming back from war as a traumatized adult vet and dying in a ditch because no meds were made available to them.

With her only other option being "get MORE traumatized and CONTINUE to grow that gap in your lived experience - but this time a person you care about will do it with you (you don't want a person you care about to go through that ever)".

That's a little bit too much of a "real life" for one videogame character in a fairytale world, don't you think.

And then on top of that her quest lacks. On top of that her friends and/or lover aren't doing squat for some reason (they're getting railroaded). One of her abusers dies in the most anticlicmatic fight of all boss fights in the game and the other is never addressed, period. We aren't even doing justice to her past trauma, let alone the ongoing one.

Like, Karlach is right. "It's enough! It's ENOUGH." What happened to her was already enough of a tragedy. And because of specifics of that tragedy (not living for 10 years) the second one (dying) feels ever worse than it would if she was, like, an adventurer of the same age who at the very least had her time under the sun.

I would put a TL;DR here but I'm not sure how to even phrase it. "Actually, if you think about it, Karlach's tragedy feels worse than some other similar characters or even real situations not just because of the quest lacking or there not being a happy ending, but because it's multiple incredibly heavy tragedies stuck on top of one another in a tower higher than any other character and it's too much when you can't do a thing about any of them"? Something like that.

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I honestly have the feeling that lots of people commenting how "nice" it is that her story can be compared to terminal illness do not have a terminal illness. I hate that take on her, it simply does not work with the rest of the game. Blah. Came to vent again smirk

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Originally Posted by sailorgundam
I honestly have the feeling that lots of people commenting how "nice" it is that her story can be compared to terminal illness do not have a terminal illness. I hate that take on her, it simply does not work with the rest of the game. Blah. Came to vent again smirk

Its pretty messed up honestly. Id say its just mental gymastics to try and justify the current state of her quest line. The loudest most heart breaking complaints Ive personally heard about her quest are from ppl with terminal illnessss or have close ppl who have them.

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Scratch that, I'm seeing it everywhere now. Including someone who put it in the goddamn discord FEEDBACK SECTION?!!!

Last edited by Nessius; 17/10/23 04:02 PM.
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Originally Posted by Nessius
Scratch that, I'm seeing it everywhere now. Including someone who put it in the goddamn discord FEEDBACK SECTION?!!!


boy oh boy I hope this doesn't backfire on them two

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On an unrelated note, according to the code commit page patch 4 is almost here, and photo mode has been confirmed by the devs. Just in case anyone is worried that they're not working on the game anymore.

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old hand
old hand
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Oh, that’s exciting, I wonder what they’ll have in Patch 4! (I’m not expecting anything big, but it’ll still be cool to see.) I’ve never really doubted that they’re still working on the game, because I’ve been playing it and it’s clearly unfinished. Not just in the quality drop in Act 3 and non-fleshed-out epilogues (can’t imagine it staying that way forever since it’s such a popular game), but Patch 3 significantly broke some important cutscenes (character positioning turning wonky) that were working great with Patch 2. And there are still many dialogue bugs, honestly.

I don’t say this to disparage the game. More to say, I’m excited to see how they finish it, and how they polish it! There’s absolutely no way they’re going to leave it as is, I firmly believe that. Having played through Divinity 2, I know that these folks will keep working until the player can have a satisfying game experience. They have it in them, for sure.

And having delved into the wonderful world of mods for multiple games, I know that a game isn’t so static as a TV show, or even a book, that makes unpopular choices. You can play with it, patch it whenever, and I do have confidence that the developers will listen to fans as they have many times before. For goodness sake, they even made a recently furry cat bald again because fans asked for it haha! What’s up with that. Anyway, I think the game just premiered unfinished and it’s only a matter of time. They’ll get it sorted, just like they got DOS2 sorted. There’s way too much potential here in this game for them to not carry it to fruition, in my opinion.

All this being said, of course it’s important to project big “justice for Karlach” energy, and you folks on this board are so awesome keeping that cause going. I really admire what you’re doing here, and I love seeing the playlists, fanart, streams, news, defending the cause, all that type of stuff. Keep up the great work! smile

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Originally Posted by Nessius
On an unrelated note, according to the code commit page patch 4 is almost here, and photo mode has been confirmed by the devs. Just in case anyone is worried that they're not working on the game anymore.

Act 3 on top of being unfinished mess is also bugged mess so I'd be surprised if they "stopped working" on the game. It's the new content that's not likely

Last edited by Feris; 17/10/23 08:11 PM.
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Well photo mode is one form of new content, it may not require the same amount of animation and mocap work as new dialogue scenes or cutscenes do but it does require new ways of implementation. It's been a highly requested change, and so was magic mirror/mid-game customization. So it's very safe to say that the highly requested changes are or will be implemented.

From what I gather, that would be dye previews and inventory rework to make that a little easier/better, as well as hugging all companions when we've reached a certain point of friendship/reputation, potentially the gifting option as well. Then it's very much Karlach's story/quest/ending, polyamory reworks, Halsin and Minthara bugs and overall improvements as well as an even higher difficulty (Hardcore mode). And of course the already confirmed epilogue rework.
Besides a ton of bugs and a generally messy Act 3 that needs polishing and reworking, I think it's safe to say that we'll see big and small stuff get added. It's just a shame we don't have a flowchart/roadmap from Larian.

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Just to post the current Karlach Discord posts, older ones that had even more upvotes have sadly passed on to the realm of non-existence.
Those, along with hug option, Minthara and Halsin fixes, polyamory reworking and epilogues are the most upvoted and so on a regular. It'd be really out of the blue for Larian to give time to every other feedback/wish but not the biggest ones.

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Location: Indiana, USA
old hand
old hand
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Location: Indiana, USA
Yeah, gosh I hope so! I hope it happens. All of that would be INCREDIBLE. It would kinda make the game... perfect. <3 I would be so ridiculously excited. Fingers crossed that Larian has the same vision that you (and so many other fans) do!

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Can't wait to see what's the new patch about, of course I don't expect it to be something big but the game needs a lot of minor fixes anyway.

We will have to wait a lot more for the beeg ones - if Larian does decide to make some much needed 'overhauls' with certain characters and a certain act.

Do we know when the patch will be out approximately?

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