Originally Posted by Rahaya
It's being compared to Starfield (instead of TotK, A6, FF16, RE4, Dead Space, etc) precisely because it's low hanging fruit. A not insignificant portion of the internet is intent on making it the face of anti-AAA sentiment which falls apart if you acknowledge BG3's flaws or Larian doing the same thing, so they either pretend it doesn't exist or downplay it.

I'm 75% sure it's part of proxy console war.

Because the other game is literally available on console first.

BG3 wasn't. It's PC game first but got dragged into this comparison war.

I mean what we could actually compared between BG3 and Starfield apart from writing? - which always comes down to: I like this one better.

Starfield is not an RPG, it's action adventure with RPG elements, TOTK is hack and slash 3d platforming/puzzle with RPG elements, FF16 is hack and slash action adventure game with rpg elements - none can be compared with proper RPG like BG3 is.

Councellor Florrick's favorite Warlock.

Back Black Geyser's DLC: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/grapeocean/black-geyser-dlc-tales-of-the-moon-cult (RTwP Isometric cRPG inspired by BG1).