Joined: Oct 2023
Does he get offended if you turn down bear sex though? Thats realky what bothers me
Poor guy, I love him but Im not doing it with a litteral bear You mean, when you reject him after he turns? I don't know, never done this. I chose option "I feel flattered you had such reaction, now come here to me" (not the actual quote, sorry, but I think you get what I mean. I play in Russian so I remember the text better than English voice lines). And then you have regular intimate scene. He has no offense.
Last edited by Noelle666; 18/10/23 01:51 PM.
Joined: Oct 2023
Does he get offended if you turn down bear sex though? Thats realky what bothers me
Poor guy, I love him but Im not doing it with a litteral bear You mean, when you reject him after he turns? I don't know, never done this. I chose option "I feel flattered you had such reaction, now come here to me" (not the actual quote, sorry, but I think you get what I mean. I play in Russian so I remember the text better than English voice lines). And then you have regular intimate scene. He has no offense. Ok thats good to know Thats the whole reason I even stumbled on this thread in the first place, I wanted to know if I was gonna be forced by the game into bear stuff
Joined: Sep 2023
Does he get offended if you turn down bear sex though? Thats realky what bothers me
Poor guy, I love him but Im not doing it with a litteral bear He's definitely not offended. He immediately shifts back to elf and apologizes and explains that he had trouble containing the beast because his blood ran hot or something in those lines. He doesn't push for bear sex either, that's the player. So in the scene, Halsin seems a little unsure about the whole bear thing and needs the player to actively choose it for it to happen, the "default" is still him being an elf. In the drow scene later on, however, Halsin seems to let go a little more and it all gives the impression that he's used to having sex as a bear, so that's a bit disconcerting. But on the other hand, a lot of things about the drow is disconcerting and would need work in my opinion.
Last edited by EMar; 18/10/23 02:44 PM.
Joined: Oct 2023
Well Im relieved that the bear scene isnt as bad as I feard, thank god
But it also kind of illustrates how we have 2 different Halsins being mashed together in act 3
It really feels like they were attempting a real normal romance at first but then someone made the decision to make him a lunatic
Him losing control one time is cute and endearing
Him actively seeking out sex in his bear form is...gross
Last edited by AmayaTenjo; 18/10/23 02:58 PM.
Joined: Mar 2020
Since someone(s) foolishly asked, here's my IMHO on what they were trying to do with Halsin (collapsed for length). It's not an analysis of his character as we currently have it, just an exploration of the thought processes which I think got us here: Preamble - I think Larian is trying to do several things, in general: make good games; please their fans; and keep within their budgets and deadlines. Not necessarily in that order, and the order is probably subject to change.
So! About three years ago now, Larian released BG3 into Early Access. Some time after that, they realized Halsin was getting a lot of positive attention from their fanbase. Some time after that, the green light was given to turn him into a companion and love interest. At this point I think they had several problems to deal with:
* Problem #1 - his personal story. Most likely his arc had already been written, recorded and basically completed. (My guess is that he originally didn't leave Act II/the shadow-cursed lands at all, except maybe to show up as an ally in the final battle.) It now needed to be expanded. Somehow.
* Problem #2 - his romance. They seemingly had a blank slate - nothing about his romantic background was established in Early Access - but they also had a rather complicated romance system going on between the various Origin characters/Tav/etc. They needed to figure out how he'd fit into it. I assume that Minthara has a similar problem over on her romance track, but I don't know how they dealt with it; I'll focus on Halsin.
* Problem #3 - as a druid, he's almost immediately redundant with Jaheira, class wise. Not much wiggle room here, it's an integral part of both their characters.
#3 is basically a gameplay problem and has a gameplay solution: Withers' ability to respec your companions into some other class entirely. Does it make sense as part of the story? Not a bit. It's just going to be shoved to the gameplay side of gameplay-story segregation while we continue forward. Problem #3 solved, more or less.
Problem #1, on the other hand, is almost purely a story problem. Halsin isn't infected - he has no built-in reason to join the quest for a cure (or world domination). Rewriting him to be infected would require a fair amount of resources. Is it worth it? Couldn't it just be that he's so attached to the party, or so determined to stop the Absolute, that he'll abandon the newly uncursed lands and journey on to Act III? Well, he's a good guy. The group did do a lot for him. Add a few lines about how grateful he is, and how well Thaniel is doing, and maybe it works. But then comes the next problem - Act III itself. There's no obvious thing for him to do; he was never meant to be here. Resources could be devoted to creating yet another personal quest for him, but it might just feel tacked on, and - crucially - resources are not infinite. There's still something else they're needed for, problem #2. So... maybe there's an opportunity here to solve two problems at once? Write a couple extra camp conversations, add some interjections in the open world, and instead of a half-baked new quest, concentrate the remaining resources on -
Problem #2. Hoo boy. The fans really want him! In all sorts of ways! But there's this massive mess of an Origin romance system slowly noodling its way along through the acts; only in Act III is one romance (possibly) left standing. Throwing extra noodles into the Act I/II mix might be a bad idea, but in Act III a little room opens up. Extra-pair copulations become easier to implement - a sex worker here, a devil there...
... and Halsin. The bear in the room. There's not enough time/money to give him the full romance an Origin character would get, but too much demand to just make him a one night stand. On top of that, if you do delay his big romance scene until Act III, many folks are going to get impatient and pursue someone else instead. From this perspective, the polyamory bit is brilliant. It solves a host of problems. He fits perfectly as a secondary partner who "joins" late, and having a free-wheeling sexual nature (ha) seems quite in character for a wood elf druid bear. Add a little flirtation to the earlier acts; explain how his "obsession" with the shadow curse has been an inhibition for many years; and then comes Act III, when he's suddenly liberated to start rediscovering the parts of himself which lay dormant for so long. His rejuvenation even mirrors that of the land around Moonrise. It all works beautifully.
Well, unless you wanted him as a primary/exclusive partner, in which case it abruptly stops working in spots. Or unless you didn't want him at all, and still find him poking around in your personal business. Then you start noticing more and more wonky bits - past abuse, boundary pushing, wild shape issues, reluctance to commit, etc. The rough edges of the solution are showing where there wasn't enough time or money or incentive or interest to sand them down. They even elbow their way into other characters, mostly Shadowheart.
Many players love what they got. Some definitely do not. As I've said, I think it almost worked - close enough that I can take the good, ignore the bad, and enjoy the game anyway (which is pretty much my approach to this game in general). Your mileage may vary.
I have to make the major confession that I have spent almost no time with Halsin - I was never interested in romancing him and I've just treated him like a quest giver and not a companion. Which is why I've avoided this thread. But, since the lock threat has been issued I wanted to get this in before the lock. I think @Tarlonniel's analysis is spot on and it reminds me of why I prefer this forum to any other. While this forum has all the flaws of any other video game forum it has some gems and Tarlonniel just produced one.
Joined: Sep 2023
I dunno I feel like sex and romance in RPG's has kinda gone off the rails completely, I don't like how EVERYONE is bisexual ( or even into dragon people and other '' beast '' races ) and worships the ground that you walk on seemingly by default. I think sometimes not indulging the player actually makes characters and the setting feel more real and believable, it kinda feels a bit like a narcissism fantasy with how it's handled in RPG's nowadays imho ( it's not a personal accusation/ attack, I just dunno how else to describe it ). I didn't romance Halsin so I can't speak on the specifics, but I feel like writers not indulging the player is actually a good thing because such is life sometimes even if it can disappoint me sometimes too. I recently played WoTR again and the character I wanted to romance just straight up wasn't into women altogether, was I disappointed at first yeah but I kinda appreciated it in a way because it makes the character feel more real and like she doesn't just exist solely to indulge my fantasy. It feels a bit more '' adult '' in a way, but I dunno if that's what people really want. The world and its characters revolving entirely around your character and what you as the player wants is just kinda boring imo and makes things feel artificial.
Joined: Oct 2023
I want to apologize for my contribution with the locked SH thread. It's frustrating because it's not just the SH stuff that bothers me, it's also the way polyamory is shown so disrespectfully in the game. The way Halsin is called the polyamory character, yet is only there for sex. It's doesn't give a good impression.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
I'm glad y'all enjoyed my ramblings, in spite of how obvious it is that I've thought way too hard about a fictional bear-elf.  The bear scene was discussed at excruciating length 'round these parts after the final Panel from Hell (mod warnings abounded in those threads, too - it was beary controversial). I'm still not sure whether I like it or not, but at least it didn't feel out of character.
Joined: Oct 2020
Does he get offended if you turn down bear sex though? Thats realky what bothers me
Poor guy, I love him but Im not doing it with a litteral bear You mean, when you reject him after he turns? I don't know, never done this. I chose option "I feel flattered you had such reaction, now come here to me" (not the actual quote, sorry, but I think you get what I mean. I play in Russian so I remember the text better than English voice lines). And then you have regular intimate scene. He has no offense. Ok thats good to know Thats the whole reason I even stumbled on this thread in the first place, I wanted to know if I was gonna be forced by the game into bear stuff As long as you don't have the orgy with him and the drow twins you are not forced into it. But with the drow twins he transforms and I don't think you can prevent that (not sure if it is different if you have him with Shadowheart or Astarion).
Joined: Oct 2023
As long as you don't have the orgy with him and the drow twins you are not forced into it. But with the drow twins he transforms and I don't think you can prevent that (not sure if it is different if you have him with Shadowheart or Astarion). In case of solo romance, Halsin transforms anyway, but you can ask him to turn back to elf. In case of having SH/Astarion he does not transform, they just have comments about each other.
Joined: Oct 2023
I'm glad y'all enjoyed my ramblings, in spite of how obvious it is that I've thought way too hard about a fictional bear-elf.  The bear scene was discussed at excruciating length 'round these parts after the final Panel from Hell (mod warnings abounded in those threads, too - it was beary controversial). I'm still not sure whether I like it or not, but at least it didn't feel out of character. We all think way too hard about this guy Larion way underestimated how much we all liked him
Joined: Oct 2023
I'm glad y'all enjoyed my ramblings, in spite of how obvious it is that I've thought way too hard about a fictional bear-elf.  The bear scene was discussed at excruciating length 'round these parts after the final Panel from Hell (mod warnings abounded in those threads, too - it was beary controversial). I'm still not sure whether I like it or not, but at least it didn't feel out of character. We all think way too hard about this guy Larion way underestimated how much we all liked him I think a lot of that has to do with how wonderful the voice actor's performance is. I really hope they call him back in to do some more lines to set Halsin right.
Joined: Oct 2023
I think a lot of that has to do with how wonderful the voice actor's performance is. I really hope they call him back in to do some more lines to set Halsin right. Yeah, I also hope for that. Voice actor also is a creator of the character, he made this character real. But not only with voice - all of VAs actually played their characters thanks to motion capture. Dave was a guest at Neil's stream yesterday, it was interesting to listen to him answering questions about his work and about Halsin. *some slight off topic* I decided to wander around again and go to Astarion topic and, boy oh boy, I'm starting to have a feeling all of our companions have problems, especially with their romances and epilogues. So, I hope, since we have such feedback, Larian will work with this.
Joined: Oct 2023
I think a lot of that has to do with how wonderful the voice actor's performance is. I really hope they call him back in to do some more lines to set Halsin right. Yeah, I also hope for that. Voice actor also is a creator of the character, he made this character real. But not only with voice - all of VAs actually played their characters thanks to motion capture. Dave was a guest at Neil's stream yesterday, it was interesting to listen to him answering questions about his work and about Halsin. *some slight off topic* I decided to wander around again and go to Astarion topic and, boy oh boy, I'm starting to have a feeling all of our companions have problems, especially with their romances and epilogues. So, I hope, since we have such feedback, Larian will work with this. I'm dying of anticipation for the next patch(which should be soonish, right?). At least remove(put extra flags) SH/Halsin banter(and disapproval at brothel) and let me hug her after house of grief . And I will believe that they are listening to some reason.
Last edited by Netav; 20/10/23 01:09 PM.
Joined: Oct 2023
I agree 100%
Im a big audio person in general and Im a sucker for deep voices, and Halsin's VA's performance is just perfect
Last edited by AmayaTenjo; 20/10/23 01:37 PM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
Dave Jones is great. He's not even a full-time actor, he's in IT!
Joined: Oct 2023
Dave Jones is great. He's not even a full-time actor, he's in IT! He should tottaly do audibooks!!!
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
Now I've got an image of Halsin reading the Faerunian equivalent of "The Ugly Duckling" to a group of orphaned children. 
Joined: Aug 2023
I am really looking forward to the next patch. Not trying to get my hopes up but hopefully we at least get some updates on the epilogues (an estimated date would be good enough at this point).
Joined: Oct 2023
Now I've got an image of Halsin reading the Faerunian equivalent of "The Ugly Duckling" to a group of orphaned children.  Aw, it would be so sweet! I had a scene in my head, which would fit the game (I suggested it some time earlier as what could be added): Halsin, Scratch, baby owlbear, Yenna and Grub sitting around the camp fire, and Halsin telling them a story about Thaniel.