Originally Posted by Noelle666
My guesses: I think Larian wanted to make a horny character/characters for some time, but some people declined this idea. The pack of companions was full, all of them had their stories if not polished but ready to go with no changes (or very slight changes). And then people fell in love with Halsin, so poor guy became a scapegoat and a bucket for all thirsty ideas which were declined at the beginning. Having horny devils, succubi/incubi is obvious and trivial (we have Mizora, for example). Having a bear sex scene - now that is something new.
Again, just my guesses. In any case, I am agree with you, I'm sure people who demanded Halsin to become a companion didn't want to get what we got.

I don't think the bear scene per se is a problem. Personally I'd never go that route, but it's not like they couldn't have implemented it with the sweet version of Halsin from ACT 1-2. To be fair, it kind of would have fit very well into that scenario too.

By what we know, it seems Halsin hasn't allowed himself intimacy for the duration of the Shadow curse, which is like 100 years or something. Then he meets Tav and seemingly falls in love. He feels something he hasn't in a very very long time. Now comes the intimate scene in the woods. Halsin actually appears VERY nervous, which is to be expected if he's "doing it" for the first time in 100 years with someone he actually cares for. And it's not uncommon to, you know, loose a bit of control over certain bodily functions when you're very nervous in situations like this. And in Halsin's case failing to control the bear would therefore be a pretty expected reaction after all. He does also sound very surprised and a bit confused if Tav says they "like it". Almost as if Halsin has never been in this situation before and is a a bit shocked that Tav wants to get it on with the bear.

So, what I mean is that they clearly could have implemented the bear without making Halsin a manipulative toxic ass in ACT 3 if they would have wanted to.