Originally Posted by Dext. Paladin
I don't know if this allowed by mod or not but allow me to inform "muh RTwP" folk of this Kickstarter project:


Black Geyser (game already exist) is a RTwP game that inspired by ye olde Badurian's Gata (specifically the original one). It is not popular and thy have been struggling since Day 1, but depsite their financial struggle, the game got released and it was, in all account: "Good".

But apparently RTwP is so niche, the market cannot sustain the company, thus they need help to release their DLC.

I personally like the game, it might be not the best game ever but with its limitation it had done splendidly.
Thanks for posting this. I love this game; I supported its original KS; and I too have been advertising this KS for the DLC project wherever I can. smile