Originally Posted by AmayaTenjo
Does he get offended if you turn down bear sex though?
Thats realky what bothers me

Poor guy, I love him but Im not doing it with a litteral bear

He's definitely not offended. He immediately shifts back to elf and apologizes and explains that he had trouble containing the beast because his blood ran hot or something in those lines. He doesn't push for bear sex either, that's the player.

So in the scene, Halsin seems a little unsure about the whole bear thing and needs the player to actively choose it for it to happen, the "default" is still him being an elf. In the drow scene later on, however, Halsin seems to let go a little more and it all gives the impression that he's used to having sex as a bear, so that's a bit disconcerting. But on the other hand, a lot of things about the drow is disconcerting and would need work in my opinion.

Last edited by EMar; 18/10/23 02:44 PM.