Originally Posted by AmayaTenjo
Originally Posted by Noelle666
Originally Posted by AmayaTenjo
Does he get offended if you turn down bear sex though?
Thats realky what bothers me

Poor guy, I love him but Im not doing it with a litteral bear
You mean, when you reject him after he turns? I don't know, never done this.
I chose option "I feel flattered you had such reaction, now come here to me" (not the actual quote, sorry, but I think you get what I mean. I play in Russian so I remember the text better than English voice lines). And then you have regular intimate scene. He has no offense.

Ok thats good to know

Thats the whole reason I even stumbled on this thread in the first place, I wanted to know if I was gonna be forced by the game into bear stuff

As long as you don't have the orgy with him and the drow twins you are not forced into it. But with the drow twins he transforms and I don't think you can prevent that (not sure if it is different if you have him with Shadowheart or Astarion).