Originally Posted by DYNIA
Originally Posted by Halycon Styxland
You might as well question the realism of the rules of chess.

The rules of a game dont have to make sense and dont have to be realistic.

They only have to work as a game.

D&D5 is optimized to be easy to handle with nothing but pieces of paper, a pen, and a couple dices.

Thus things are kept simple. Not realistic.

show me how you dodge sword in plate armor :F or hit from crossbow xD

The weight of plate armor is distributed across the body in such a way that it does not significantly hamper mobility, so in real life you would dodge a sword while wearing plate armor pretty much exactly as you would without it.

But that�s besides the point, as the post you are responding to pointed out already.

This isn�t going to change. Your objections are irrelevant here.