Joined: Feb 2021
I'd go along with that, walking in the sun is what he wants more than anything. But again it still leaves the issue that his lover will grow old and die leaving him alone. My personal preference would be to initially have a way to let him walk in the sun (and lose that damn dock scene above all else).
But that there are choices and quests that lead onto other things for him and me as his romanced partner that are talked about more fully, along with more interactions generally and not standing 5 feet apart (good grief Larian - where's your soul, never mind his) in the final scenes .
He has no opinion on being cured because it has never been raised as a possibility, the only thing he says about it is back in Act 1. When he says (paraphrasing) 'I'm not a proper vampire, just a spawn, all the drawbacks and few of the powers'. This brings up a good point. I've often wondered why, during the ascension scene conversation, if talking him out of ascending after the checks, you can't suggest to him to drink Cazador's blood instead of proceeding with the ritual. It's a way to free him, free the 7000 souls, but maybe save him from himself. He won't be just a "spawn" any longer, but a true vampire. No, it doesn't cure the whole sun issue, but it may be a way for him to be stronger without turning into the complete and total prick from ascension. Like middle ground. Although who knows, maybe even that would be enough to drive his lust for even more power over the edge and then we see the same persona change that ascension gives him?
Joined: Sep 2023
i think vampires in DnD have more dehumanising issues than the ascended Vampire, which is pretty much a one of a kind in this game. Raphael suggests that the ascended vampire has human lusts and emotions in a way that a normal vampire doesn't. Cazador up to the point of ascension is just a normal although old and strong vampire and I wouldn't want Astarion to turn into him, he has no feelings whatsoever.
# Justice for Astarion
Joined: Nov 2021
I respectfully disagree. Astarion is finally happy with who he is, finally accepted that he's enough.
He has made no indication he has a desire to return to human life. He wants to be free and also wants to walk in the sun.
You fixed the first issue by killing Cazador.
The questline for a nonascended Astarion is that he discovers he's enough and worthwhile exactly as he is -even as a vampire spawn.
He wants the ability to walk in the sun as a vampire spawn.
A cure is not the answer. It's not even something he has ever indicated he wanted.
Curing him of vampirism would be a solution that gives him the freedom to walk in the sun, but at the cost of changing who/what he is.
It's counter productive to everything you spent the game teaching/telling him.
In the graveyard, he has embraced his circumstances and his life. He says goodbye to the memory of his former human self. The one who 'lay here, dead and buried'
He can be a vampire spawn and find a way to acquire a sunwalking ability or find an item that grants it.
A cure isn't necessary and isn't inherently the answer because it fixes the sun problem. Well, for starters the possibility of a cure has Never been even mention in the game, so it is logical that he is not expressing any opinion on that. He does, however, voices a lot of drawbacks of being a vampire throughout the game. After killing Casador without him he tells you that you've doomed him to an eternity of hunger in the shadows. He tells the Gurs that the pain from hunger alone is unbearable. Plus intolerance to water and sun, and other little encoviniences along with being hunted for being a vampire. Sure, Ulma tells him that he will never be hunted again, but a few hundred years from now noone will remember that. As for the cure, as of right now the only possibility to escape the misery of being a vampire in BG3 is ascension. I do not know why there is no other option even mentioned anywhere, wish spell/true resurrection. I think that Larian either didn't think it through or just didn't bother with it. But anyways, I think the option for the cure should be presented in the final conversation. It is a small and easy fix for Larian to add to make a lot of people happy. IMHO his whole story arc is about getting his body autonomy and self-respect back. Stop seeing himself as a tool for others to use, stop being "slave" literally and figuratively. Learn how to stand his ground and be a wholesome person just the way he is. And our JOURNEY to get him there is WONDERFUL until you get to the ENDGAME. And then, well, the finale is very lackluster to say the least. Starting with a childish cruel joke at the docks and then very shallow final conversation. It is a conversation between two pals not partners/lovers, standing 10 feet away and having a light chat lasting 1 minute...
Last edited by andromeda087; 11/10/23 03:18 PM.
Joined: Sep 2023
I respectfully disagree. Astarion is finally happy with who he is, finally accepted that he's enough.
He has made no indication he has a desire to return to human life. He wants to be free and also wants to walk in the sun.
You fixed the first issue by killing Cazador.
The questline for a nonascended Astarion is that he discovers he's enough and worthwhile exactly as he is -even as a vampire spawn.
He wants the ability to walk in the sun as a vampire spawn.
A cure is not the answer. It's not even something he has ever indicated he wanted.
Curing him of vampirism would be a solution that gives him the freedom to walk in the sun, but at the cost of changing who/what he is.
It's counter productive to everything you spent the game teaching/telling him.
In the graveyard, he has embraced his circumstances and his life. He says goodbye to the memory of his former human self. The one who 'lay here, dead and buried'
He can be a vampire spawn and find a way to acquire a sunwalking ability or find an item that grants it.
A cure isn't necessary and isn't inherently the answer because it fixes the sun problem. Well, for starters the possibility of a cure has Never been even mention in the game, so it is logical that he is not expressing any opinion on that. He does, however, voices a lot of drawbacks of being a vampire throughout the game. After killing Casador without him he tells you that you've doomed him to an eternity of hunger in the shadows. He tells the Gurs that the pain from hunger alone is unbearable. Plus intolerance to water and sun, and other little encoviniences along with being hunted for being a vampire. Sure, Ulma tells him he will never be hunted again, but a few hundred years from now noone will remember that. As for the cure, as of right now the only possibility to escape the misery of being a vampire in BG3 is ascension. I do not know why there is no other option even mentioned anywhere, wish spell/true resurrection. I think that Larian either didn't think it through or just didn't bother with it. But anyways, I think the option for the cure should be presented in the final conversation. It is a small and easy fix for Larian to add to make a lot of people happy. IMHO his whole story arc is about getting his body autonomy and self-respect back. Stop seeing himself as a tool for others to use, stop being "slave" literally and figuratively. Learn how to stand his ground and be a wholesome person just the way he is. And our JOURNEY to get him there is WONDERFUL until you get to the ENDGAME. And then, well, the finale is very lackluster to say the least. Starting with a childish cruel joke at the docks and then very shallow final conversation. It is a conversation between two pals not partners/lovers, standing 10 feet away and having a light chat lasting 1 minute... +1 to this. Completely agree.
Joined: Nov 2021
This brings up a good point. I've often wondered why, during the ascension scene conversation, if talking him out of ascending after the checks, you can't suggest to him to drink Cazador's blood instead of proceeding with the ritual. It's a way to free him, free the 7000 souls, but maybe save him from himself. He won't be just a "spawn" any longer, but a true vampire. No, it doesn't cure the whole sun issue, but it may be a way for him to be stronger without turning into the complete and total prick from ascension. Like middle ground. Although who knows, maybe even that would be enough to drive his lust for even more power over the edge and then we see the same persona change that ascension gives him? I think letting him become a true vampire is even worse than ascended. There is a lot of lore on the true vampires and it's all gloom and doom for them  . And why would anyone decide to be a true vampire if you could be the vampire ascended. The living vampire according to Raphael. It is all shady and unclear as to what the ascension actually does to a vampire, there is nothing on that in the DnD lore. There has never been an ascended vampire before. So Larian had to make it up as they went.
Joined: Oct 2023
I think I got the good ending for most of characters but the whole epilogue left me feeling so sad because it was disjointed and underwhelming. Astarion’s ending felt like such a slap in the face. In the beginning I treated this guy like he was a joke and i didn’t use him that much until he reacted badly to me telling him to drink Araj’s blood. When he talked to me at camp about how it made him feel my heart broke for him and I immediately started treating him with respect and he quickly became one of my favourite companions after that. When it came to the ritual I AGONISED over the right decision, I thought staying as a spawn would be better for him, but I was scared of any potential consequences. Gale even comforted me by saying “That was a good thing you did, and a wise choice.” which I genuinely needed to hear at that point. So to get to end, and all that happens is he falls over himself trying to run away from the sun… I was like… wait? That’s it???? What do you mean “It looks like we’ll never see him again.”?! Ok, what about you Gale? Love of my life, what’s going on with you “Ohhh I dunno, I guess I’ll fish that crown out at some point, it’s not like my future depends on it, let’s have a drink, oh and I guess I should ask, do you wanna marry me?” I mean sure, I was hoping that if Gale proposed it would be romantic as hell but whatever. I’m still not over it 
Joined: Sep 2023
I think I got the good ending for most of characters but the whole epilogue left me feeling so sad because it was disjointed and underwhelming. Astarion’s ending felt like such a slap in the face. In the beginning I treated this guy like he was a joke and i didn’t use him that much until he reacted badly to me telling him to drink Araj’s blood. When he talked to me at camp about how it made him feel my heart broke for him and I immediately started treating him with respect and he quickly became one of my favourite companions after that. When it came to the ritual I AGONISED over the right decision, I thought staying as a spawn would be better for him, but I was scared of any potential consequences. Gale even comforted me by saying “That was a good thing you did, and a wise choice.” which I genuinely needed to hear at that point. So to get to end, and all that happens is he falls over himself trying to run away from the sun… I was like… wait? That’s it???? What do you mean “It looks like we’ll never see him again.”?! Ok, what about you Gale? Love of my life, what’s going on with you “Ohhh I dunno, I guess I’ll fish that crown out at some point, it’s not like my future depends on it, let’s have a drink, oh and I guess I should ask, do you wanna marry me?” I mean sure, I was hoping that if Gale proposed it would be romantic as hell but whatever. I’m still not over it  Eeeeee....welcome to the club of mourners over the lackluster endings. Sounds like Gale's romance doesn't get treated much better than Astarion's... We all feel for you experiencing that sun scene with Astarion for the first time. Given that a lot of us also romanced him, it makes even less sense for someone to be like "we'll never see him again." In my playthrough, it was Wyll who spoke up about Astarion and he basically just said "...and he will remain in the shadows forevermore." Like...what?! No?!?
Joined: Jun 2022
I couldn't agree more. It would be really nice to have A sweet, non hesitant embrace.
I really like the idea of it being some random item found along the way.
Lol for all I care, make it the 'magic ring' from the swindling trader kid in the grove.I forget his name.
Joined: Oct 2023
I will first of all say this, Baldur's Gate 3 is the best game I've ever played. Full stop. Already back in EA I had no doubt that this game were to precede Witcher 3 from my dusty number 1 pedestal, once fully released. You could just see it. The passion and love Larian had - and continues to have - for BG3 is unmistakable. Larian has done an absolutely stunning job and I couldn't be more happy with them and their work. They deserve every bit of praise they're reciving and more. With that being said... I too would prefer if Larian altered that dock scene... Dare I say that it felt rather prompt and handled somewhat poorly? Not to mention the unsavoury lack of care to our Astarion. As many has mentioned here, it's fitting if you've had the poor sod lounging about in camp your whole playthrough but not otherwise - and absolutely not if you've romanced him. Thankfully, we will be getting a more fleshed out epilogue, we don't know when, but it is coming and I'm thankful for that.
Wouldn't it then be oh-so-fabulous to have a *very particular* cloak at hand for him? What i'm referring to is The Cloak of Dragomir. https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/Cloak_of_DragomirA cloak that allows a vampire to travel outside during the day in full view of the sun. An item we could potentially run into in some way or another. Cazador's attic, perhaps? Food for thought. Now, I'm also one of those who wished for the cure option in Astarion's arc... So if ever Larian bestows upon us a DLC - gods be willing - the cure is what I dearly wish to see implemented and on offer for our silly little vamp. Preferably connected to Upper City content ( Pretty please, Larian ).
Last edited by sootpot; 15/10/23 09:02 AM.
Joined: Sep 2023
I will first of all say this, Baldur's Gate 3 is the best game I've ever played. Full stop. Already back in EA I had no doubt that this game were to precede Witcher 3 from my dusty number 1 pedestal, once fully released. You could just see it. The passion and love Larian had - and continues to have - for BG3 is unmistakable. Larian has done an absolutely stunning job and I couldn't be more happy with them and their work. They deserve every bit of praise they're reciving and more. With that being said... I too would prefer if Larian altered that dock scene... Dare I say that it felt rather prompt and handled somewhat poorly? Not to mention the unsavoury lack of care to our Astarion. As many has mentioned here, it's fitting if you've had the poor sod lounging about in camp your whole playthrough but not otherwise - and absolutely not if you've romanced him. Thankfully, we will be getting a more fleshed out epilog, we don't know when, but it is coming and I'm thankful for that.
Wouldn't it then be oh-so-fabulous to have a *very particular* cloak at hand for him? What i'm referring to is The Cloak of Dragomir. https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/Cloak_of_DragomirA cloak that allows a vampire to travel outside during the day in full view of the sun. An item we could potentially run into in some way or another. Cazador's attic, perhaps? Food for thought. Now, I'm also one of those that wished for the cure option in Astarion's arc... So if ever Larian bestows upon us a DLC - gods be willing - the cure is what I dearly wish to see implemented and on offer for our silly little vamp. Preferably connected to Upper City content ( Pretty please, Larian ). This is so perfectly expressed. All my thoughts, which I have already expressed here several times, but well.... lets keep doing it again and again.... because the more we talk about the issues, the higher possibility someone at Larian will see it and do something about it. So yes... Larian... THAT AWFUL DOCK SCENE... I think it is not necesary repeat all the details, we all know, what is wrong with that. Even with the Witcher 3 mentioned.... that game was top and I would also personally add Dragon age series, especially DA: Origins. These - now with BG 3 - are the best games I have ever played. Eventhough there is so much 'not-so-great' stuff and feeling of something missing in act III, yes... still... BG3 is really exceptional piece of art. It would be so nice to have cure for Astarion. My romantic soul would really love that, but as some people suggested few times: why talk about the cure, when Astarion never specificaly expressed desire to be cured from vampirism, just (beside wanting to be free of slavery) the longing to be able to walk in the sun. So yes for the cure, but if nobody will give us that, in the end I would be very much satisfied with The Cloak of Dragomir. That is such an obvious and easy solution to the sun problem. So really, Larian, there are so many cloaks in the games, would it be so hard to put there one more and give our poor vampire possibility to walk in the sun? Pretty please.
Joined: Sep 2023
This is so perfectly expressed. All my thoughts, which I have already expressed here several times, but well.... lets keep doing it again and again.... because the more we talk about the issues, the higher possibility someone at Larian will see it and do something about it. So yes... Larian... THAT AWFUL DOCK SCENE... I think it is not necesary repeat all the details, we all know, what is wrong with that. The docks scene and the last conversation. Apart from its other issues, this is a roleplaying game, I should be able to rp a character who asks him what he wants to do in the future. And Durge should be able to say something about freedom and how they helped each other with that. Also, someone on reddit said the docks scene is the same if you haven't dealt with Cazador at all.
Last edited by t1mekill3r; 15/10/23 03:36 PM.
Joined: Oct 2022
I just can't help but share my heartache. I'm beating the game for the 6th time already and with each patch the romance with Astarion is only getting worse! I like the game, and I don’t focus on just one novel, I consider them a pleasant bonus, like a dessert after a good dinner. But ! I want to know who in the central office dislikes Astarion so much that they break his scenes with every patch. 1. They broke the kissing scene, not allowing Astarion to finish his sentence and simply abruptly ending it with a kiss. 2. We broke the magnificent scene of the bite by zooming in on the camera at the moment when Astarion, having drunk our blood, leaves the fire. Shadows fell on his pale face and his pupils lit up with a predatory light (the first time I saw this, I said wow! such a small thing, but how cool the emphasis was on his predatory nature). 3. Now they broke the scene with the scars, where he carefully tried to feel them on his back. Now he just stands there like a statue and mutters something under his breath. I'm scared to continue playing, I feel like I was deceived and abandoned. I read a lot of reviews that everyone wants a better ending for everyone and for Astarion and Karlach in particular, but I have never seen anyone comment from Lorian herself? Can they hear us? are they working on it? at least something? I'm ready to wait as long as necessary, but I need hope! Has anyone read or heard anything? please, help !
Last edited by Akorolin; 18/10/23 06:08 PM.
Joined: Sep 2023
I just can't help but share my heartache. I'm beating the game for the 6th time already and with each patch the romance with Astarion is only getting worse! I like the game, and I don’t focus on just one novel, I consider them a pleasant bonus, like a dessert after a good dinner. But ! I want to know who in the central office dislikes Astarion so much that they break his scenes with every patch. 1. They broke the kissing scene, not allowing Astarion to finish his sentence and simply abruptly ending it with a kiss. 2. We broke the magnificent scene of the bite by zooming in on the camera at the moment when Astarion, having drunk our blood, leaves the fire. Shadows fell on his pale face and his pupils lit up with a predatory light (the first time I saw this, I said wow! such a small thing, but how cool the emphasis was on his predatory nature). 3. Now they broke the scene with the scars, where he carefully tried to feel them on his back. Now he just stands there like a statue and mutters something under his breath. I'm scared to continue playing, I feel like I was deceived and abandoned. I read a lot of reviews that everyone wants a better ending for everyone and for Astarion and Karlach in particular, but I have never seen anyone comment from Lorian herself? Can they hear us? are they working on it? at least something? I'm ready to wait as long as necessary, but I need hope! Has anyone read or heard anything? please, help ! It's not just Astarion. A lot of cutscenes are broken after the latest patch. Some of them wouldn't look out of place in a horror game. I just had Abdirak twist and turn in front of me. It's kinda funny. One thing I miss from the bite scene is that little drop of blood falling from Astarion's lips, but it's long been gone. It was there right after release and I never saw it again.
Joined: Oct 2023
Well maybe im Wrong but for Me Astarion should Never Had a Good ending.. he is a Thief and a Vampire.. theres no GOOD in him.. i all my games when i was playing a good dude by the time i get to finish his quest when i refuse to help him becouse i will not create another moster im a hero.. he just made me kill him.. i Beleave that He never was supposed to be played as a Good Guy like a Said.. he is a Vampire and a Thief.. dude in Any tabletop he at least would have been a Neutral evil..meaning he was never supposed to be GOOD. But ho knows maybe im Wrong and yu guys are corret.. i just always felt that he is a Companion Perfect for a Durge game or a Evil one becouse in all my evil games he basicly become my right arm man and minthara my Demonic Godess. RS and Fun Fact He was like a Devil in my shoulder the entire game like in old Cartoons.. haha
Last edited by Thorvic; 20/10/23 08:21 AM.
Joined: Jul 2014
Well maybe im Wrong but for Me Astarion should Never Had a Good ending.. he is a Thief and a Vampire.. theres no GOOD in him.. i all my games when i was playing a good dude by the time i get to finish his quest when i refuse to help him becouse i will not create another moster im a hero.. he just made me kill him.. i Beleave that He never was supposed to be played as a Good Guy like a Said.. he is a Vampire and a Thief.. dude in Any tabletop he at least would have been a Neutral evil..meaning he was never supposed to be GOOD. But ho knows maybe im Wrong and yu guys are corret.. i just always felt that he is a Companion Perfect for a Durge game or a Evil one becouse in all my evil games he basicly become my right arm man and minthara my Demonic Godess. RS and Fun Fact He was like a Devil in my shoulder the entire game like in old Cartoons.. haha Pretty much sums up my thoughts also. My Tav was always keeping an eye on him to prevent him being trouble; I recruited him for his probable usefulness in BG since he had connections there. Once I resolved his quest by killing Cazador sans Astarion (and all the Vampire spawns) I killed Astarion. He is too dangerous to keep alive.
Joined: Oct 2022
In general, you are right in stating the facts, he is a thief and a vampire, he can be classified as a chaotic evil character. But in this case, both Shadowheart and Lae'zel can be classified as lawful evil characters. I appreciate the ambiguity of Lae'zel, Astarion and Shadowheart for their ability to change throughout the game and become, if not good, then at least neutral. Since I like to play for good people, I am proud of myself for the fact that I can change the world and reduce the amount of evil in it. Perhaps you take the fight against evil very literally? At the end of the game, Lae'zel has a silver sword and a dragon, and Shadowheart is able to save her parents. But Astarion has nothing left except hunger and the inability to go out into the sun.
Last edited by Akorolin; 20/10/23 10:14 AM.
Joined: Oct 2023
Yu are noot Wrong but For me Shadowheart and Lae'zel are different then him.. Becouse in the case of Shadow She actually was abducted as children has her mind wiped out.. when she discover if yu go this path with her kinda make sense she change a lot becouse all her life was a real lie.. kinda of pretty crazy like yu are reased in a Crazy Bad Cult and be doctrined to be bad all your life and Lae'zel is almost the Same Vlakith kinda Contro her entire People in a Big Crazy F lie..huaha But him. From the Start. he never was good.. Maybe is like yu said (Perhaps you take the fight against evil very literally?) But i used to Play table top all my life and i do really like roleplay heavy so if im a Pala. comon. no Vampire will stand in my way Sorry theres no redemption. yu suck blood and the life of others.RS But if im a Bad dude.. i dont Care becouse im evil and have a Vampire Lord by your side is always usefull. (and dont think i dont like him ok.. i do think he is one of the Best companions i just never wanted to romance him i just like him as my Pal in the game when i was the Durge) Like i Told before he Was like a Demon on my Shoulder like in old Cartoons when yu have a Angel and a Demon he was the Demon.. pretty F Amazing.. even his reaction at me turning into Slayer, defending me when jaheira wanted to cut my balls dude is Top Notch as Evil i think. In Bhaals Name lol. i will take this world for me lol (Fun Fact he actually is one of the Few companions that want yu to do it..)
Last edited by Thorvic; 20/10/23 10:53 AM.
Joined: Oct 2022
He reminds me more of Luci from the cartoon Disenchantment, often offering to cause chaos. But I don’t agree with you that he is evil from the very beginning, he himself admits to you that he does not remember himself before the transformation into vampire spawn, and Kazdor forced him to do evil. At a certain point, he may even share with you a story about how he tried to resist evil, for which he was locked in a coffin for several years. After which he simply accepted his fate and did all these terrible things just to survive. If you help him get rid of evil influence, he sincerely thanks you for being able to see something good in him.
Joined: Nov 2021
Well maybe im Wrong but for Me Astarion should Never Had a Good ending.. he is a Thief and a Vampire.. theres no GOOD in him.. i all my games when i was playing a good dude by the time i get to finish his quest when i refuse to help him becouse i will not create another moster im a hero.. he just made me kill him.. i Beleave that He never was supposed to be played as a Good Guy like a Said.. he is a Vampire and a Thief.. dude in Any tabletop he at least would have been a Neutral evil..meaning he was never supposed to be GOOD. But ho knows maybe im Wrong and yu guys are corret.. i just always felt that he is a Companion Perfect for a Durge game or a Evil one becouse in all my evil games he basicly become my right arm man and minthara my Demonic Godess. RS and Fun Fact He was like a Devil in my shoulder the entire game like in old Cartoons.. haha If you go by DnD rules then yes, vampire spawn is neutral evil with their emotions twisted just like true vampires. However, you're missing a CRUCIAL DETAIL here, Larian has bent a lot of rules in BG3. They chose to make Astarion a SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE, a spawn with a chance for redemption. Throughout the game depending on your choices you CAN make him a better person, you will not be able to make him lawful good, but neutral or chaotic neutral or possibly chaotic good? So with him being so "special", Larian gives you a way to make him a better person just to spit in your face at the end of the game... so, why go through all that? Make people hope for a good ending, have all the pieces set in the game hinting that you CAN get it. Only to make it all NOT matter in the end, and worse turn it into a cheap childish joke at the docks? If they wrote him the way a vampire spawn is supposed to be in DnD, then yes, I don't see much possibility for him all of a sudden turn to the good/neutral side. But they make you invest and put an effort in to helping him to be a better person, but then in the end you've basically come a full circle back to square one minus the Casador's hold on him. He is still a spawn with all the shortcomings of being one and no solution in sight...
Last edited by andromeda087; 20/10/23 12:45 PM.
Joined: Nov 2021
Yu are noot Wrong but For me Shadowheart and Lae'zel are different then him.. Becouse in the case of Shadow She actually was abducted as children has her mind wiped out.. when she discover if yu go this path with her kinda make sense she change a lot becouse all her life was a real lie.. kinda of pretty crazy like yu are reased in a Crazy Bad Cult and be doctrined to be bad all your life and Lae'zel is almost the Same Vlakith kinda Contro her entire People in a Big Crazy F lie..huaha But him. From the Start. he never was good.. Maybe is like yu said (Perhaps you take the fight against evil very literally?) But i used to Play table top all my life and i do really like roleplay heavy so if im a Pala. comon. no Vampire will stand in my way Sorry theres no redemption. yu suck blood and the life of others.RS But if im a Bad dude.. i dont Care becouse im evil and have a Vampire Lord by your side is always usefull. (and dont think i dont like him ok.. i do think he is one of the Best companions i just never wanted to romance him i just like him as my Pal in the game when i was the Durge) Like i Told before he Was like a Demon on my Shoulder like in old Cartoons when yu have a Angel and a Demon he was the Demon.. pretty F Amazing.. even his reaction at me turning into Slayer, defending me when jaheira wanted to cut my balls dude is Top Notch as Evil i think. In Bhaals Name lol. i will take this world for me lol (Fun Fact he actually is one of the Few companions that want yu to do it..) Well, you can play any way YOU want to, but there is no denying that Larian put a redemption arc for Astarion into the game. And as it stands right now, if you take that route you're rewarded with very little in the end. This is what this thread is about, that it seems like right now you're better off with letting him ascend. You'll get a more wholesome/complete ending for him, evil of course (although ascended Astarion really doesn't live up to my expectations of the evil encarnate  . He is too theatrical and inconsistent in his nature on that path.