Originally Posted by Thorvic
Yu are noot Wrong but For me Shadowheart and Lae'zel are different then him..
Becouse in the case of Shadow She actually was abducted as children has her mind wiped out..
when she discover if yu go this path with her kinda make sense she change a lot becouse all her life was a real lie.. kinda of pretty crazy like yu are reased in a Crazy Bad Cult and be doctrined to be bad all your life
and Lae'zel is almost the Same Vlakith kinda Contro her entire People in a Big Crazy F lie..huaha
But him. From the Start. he never was good..
Maybe is like yu said (Perhaps you take the fight against evil very literally?)
But i used to Play table top all my life and i do really like roleplay heavy so if im a Pala. comon. no Vampire will stand in my way Sorry theres no redemption. yu suck blood and the life of others.RS
But if im a Bad dude.. i dont Care becouse im evil and have a Vampire Lord by your side is always usefull.
(and dont think i dont like him ok.. i do think he is one of the Best companions i just never wanted to romance him i just like him as my Pal in the game when i was the Durge)
Like i Told before he Was like a Demon on my Shoulder like in old Cartoons when yu have a Angel and a Demon he was the Demon.. pretty F Amazing.. even his reaction at me turning into Slayer, defending me when jaheira wanted to cut my balls dude is Top Notch as Evil i think. In Bhaals Name lol. i will take this world for me lol
(Fun Fact he actually is one of the Few companions that want yu to do it..)

Well, you can play any way YOU want to, but there is no denying that Larian put a redemption arc for Astarion into the game. And as it stands right now, if you take that route you're rewarded with very little in the end. This is what this thread is about, that it seems like right now you're better off with letting him ascend. You'll get a more wholesome/complete ending for him, evil of course (although ascended Astarion really doesn't live up to my expectations of the evil encarnate smile. He is too theatrical and inconsistent in his nature on that path.