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Originally Posted by Dext. Paladin
Judging from other thread where he commented, he seems to not wanting to discuss about the game mechanics, merely affirming what he already believe.

this is not what i belive, this is what game offer, no armor, just dodge from ac

but system is wrong that robe should give the most dodge number cause its weight nothing

Ixal #917081 20/10/23 11:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Ixal
No game ever has really simulated armor well. Not only its too complicated, its also too binary for gameplay purposes.
D&D and D&D based game are just extra bad in that regard as they tend to overvalue dodge while only giving penalties to heavy armor but no advantage.

how its simulated armor well when there is no armor just dodges even in plate armor ?

Niara #917083 20/10/23 11:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Niara
Originally Posted by DYNIA
idk how other way i can tell you that ac in bg3 is nonsense and work only as dodge mechanics

In the game of Dungeons and Dragons (which BG3 is loosely based on), you have Hit Points - this represents several things at once; it's both your physical health, but can also represent your stamina, your morale and willingness to fight, and several other things. Most commonly, however, it represents you Capability to fight, however that is envisioned by you and your DM.

When hostile creatures attack you, they are generally attempting to do you harm and reduce you capability of fighting or resisting; often they are outright trying to kill you.

When a creature attacks you, be it with a melee weapon, magical spell, ranged weapon or some other means, they are usually called to make an Attack Roll - this roll represents, in the abstract, their attempt to strike you and cause you harm; it represents both the the creature's ability to counter your defences, and also their own accuracy and capability to land the blow at all.

You defend against this attack with you Armour Class, which represents both your ability to avoid the attack, to whatever degree you can, and also to block, deflect or divert it, if possible, as well as any other way that you might avoid harm - such as having cover from a wall.

This is a binary check, yes! If the creature's attack roll with all modifiers meets or exceeds your AC with all modifiers, then the creature has succeeded in causing you Some degree of harm, in Some way. If they don't then it means that, for whatever reason, they have failed to cause you sufficient harm enough to count as even a single point of damage.

Okay... so now we know whether they've managed to hurt you at all; perhaps they rolled a 2, and perhaps their failure is quite literally that they misfired their bow and the arrow never even reached you. Perhaps they rolled well, but your AC was still higher, and their arrow ricocheted off your raised shield. What matters is that in a failure situation, they were unable to strike you sufficiently well to cause even a single point of damage. Doesn't mean they didn't hit you, necessarily - just that they didn't do it well enough to cause any harm.

Suppose they rolled well enough to hit you - this doesn't mean they necessarily scored an incredible blow that you mitigated none of the damage of whatsoever; it just means that they succeeded in hitting you well enough to cause Some degree of harm. How well did they hit you? How much damage did your armour protect you from, and how much energy of the strike did you divert or deflect, or did you partially managed to pull yourself out of the way of, or make less severe? Well, we work that out in the Damage step.

In the damage step, the attacker rolls to see how much damage they dealt. If they roll high, that usually means they scored a solid telling blow, and your defences, whether avoidant or blocking, weren't able to protect you very well in this instance - perhaps they found a gap in your plate, or perhaps the blow simply had enough impact, and landed cleanly enough to wind and harm you severely through it. Perhaps they rolled a 1 on their damage die... in this case, while the enemy did manage to hit you well enough to do harm, your armour absorbed most of it, or you moved enough with the attack and your armour deflected most of the rest; you still got hurt, a little, but in reality, you only suffered a graze, because your defences - whether armour or otherwise, helped protect you from the majority of the harm.

That's how it's rationalised in THIS system - that's how amrour is conceptualised as reducing damage and protecting you in THIS system. It makes sense within this system; no it's not 100% realistic - it's deliberately abstract to allow for a lot of flexibility and interpretation between players and DMs.

you know most hits are DOGED when some1 dodge your attack that mean you miss xD

but sometimes when you hit with bad dps weapon you deal 0 dmg but you hit the target ? some times my bows from caster hit the target and deal 0 dmg that mean how armor as main mechanics

if you hit warrior for example they riposte and you deal 0 dmg but you hit the target that mean you hit but armor worked from riposte, that means hit reached targed but it was too weak that jyst show ac in this game is dodge mechanic NOT armor, armor not guard you by anything it just make you dodge lolz and you can dodge like a kungu fu fighter in plate armor xD

DYNIA #917087 20/10/23 11:58 AM
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"dodge" is just an in-game animation.

For heavy armor you can consider it as glancing blows / deflections when a sword goes "clink" without doing any harm or is straight up blocked by shield.

NWN 1 (2002) showed dodges and parries and shield blocks...

But then again, how do you animate all weapon types hitting your heavy armor in different spots and being deflected? Same for parries, shield deflects?

Much faster and easier to just animate it as a dodge, from developer POV.

DYNIA #917098 20/10/23 12:42 PM
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Armor and weapons work wildly differently in reality than in D&D.

If you want to learn about this there is a ton of material about it and a whole field of scientific study, like HEMA (historical european martial arts), where old armor and weapons and the associated techniques are recreated and tested.

DYNIA #917099 20/10/23 12:49 PM
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And so we're back to BG3's stylistic choice of animating everything as a dodge... And here, Dynia, we are specifically not talking about anything mechanical - we are talking very specifically about the visual aesthetic animation choice that the game designers made, which has nothing whatsoever to do with the underlying mechanics of the system.

And yes, most people Agree here - it's a pretty silly choice, and something that games decades old handled better.

This thread has done this circle twice (three times?) now, and there's nothing more to be added or gained unless the OP wishes to actually engage.

Meaning no disrespect or offence to Dynia specifically, but your communication makes understanding you at anything more than an extremely basic level very difficult; if you're attempting to convey something with a nuance that we're missing, this is likely the reason. If English isn't your primary language, you may want to seek out a better machine translator than the one you're using.

If you want to say that the fact that BG3 animates all mises as dodges is a silly and unsatisfying thing, then you'll find most folks agree with you here.
If you want to say that 5e's game system counts everything as dodges, mechanically, you're incorrect, and it's been explained to you why and how you are mistaken about that.
If you're wanting to suggest that BG3's underlying game system should be changed to a system that deals in damage mitigation for attacks as its primary attack and damage system, you're welcome to that opinion, but the blunt fact is that there is no possibility of that happening, ever, and you'll just need to accept that.

For the record...

Originally Posted by DYNIA
if you hit warrior for example they riposte and you deal 0 dmg but you hit the target

Actually, if we're talking about realism and things making sense, then a riposte is, quite specifically, what you do after you prevent a target from hitting you at all. You riposte, quite specifically, after you parry or dodge. If someone hits you, and then you hit them back in response, that's a counter, not a riposte.

Niara #917101 20/10/23 12:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Niara
And so we're back to BG3's stylistic choice of animating everything as a dodge... And here, Dynia, we are specifically not talking about anything mechanical - we are talking very specifically about the visual aesthetic animation choice that the game designers made, which has nothing whatsoever to do with the underlying mechanics of the system.

And yes, most people Agree here - it's a pretty silly choice, and something that games decades old handled better.

This thread has done this circle twice (three times?) now, and there's nothing more to be added or gained unless the OP wishes to actually engage.

Meaning no disrespect or offence to Dynia specifically, but your communication makes understanding you at anything more than an extremely basic level very difficult; if you're attempting to convey something with a nuance that we're missing, this is likely the reason. If English isn't your primary language, you may want to seek out a better machine translator than the one you're using.

If you want to say that the fact that BG3 animates all mises as dodges is a silly and unsatisfying thing, then you'll find most folks agree with you here.
If you want to say that 5e's game system counts everything as dodges, mechanically, you're incorrect, and it's been explained to you why and how you are mistaken about that.
If you're wanting to suggest that BG3's underlying game system should be changed to a system that deals in damage mitigation for attacks as its primary attack and damage system, you're welcome to that opinion, but the blunt fact is that there is no possibility of that happening, ever, and you'll just need to accept that.

For the record...

Originally Posted by DYNIA
if you hit warrior for example they riposte and you deal 0 dmg but you hit the target

Actually, if we're talking about realism and things making sense, then a riposte is, quite specifically, what you do after you prevent a target from hitting you at all. You riposte, quite specifically, after you parry or dodge. If someone hits you, and then you hit them back in response, that's a counter, not a riposte.

warriors enemies in act 1 use "riposte" skill to get hit for 0 damage, that how armor normaly works its reduce damage you get, not dodge whole attack cause it make no sense

Last edited by DYNIA; 20/10/23 12:54 PM.
DYNIA #917105 20/10/23 01:08 PM
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D&D 3E still had the distinction between dodging and hitting, but only for special attacks, in the form of touch attacks that bypass armor (armor AC doesn't count) and flat-footed attacks that you could not dodge (Positive Dex did not count).
But I think no game ever changed the visuals based on that.

Ixal #917111 20/10/23 01:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Ixal
D&D 3E still had the distinction between dodging and hitting, but only for special attacks, in the form of touch attacks that bypass armor (armor AC doesn't count) and flat-footed attacks that you could not dodge (Positive Dex did not count).
But I think no game ever changed the visuals based on that.

cause this game have no armor you can take down by 1 crit and resistance to attacks is OP AF

that why most op item in game is gloves that give you blade ward when you heal some1 or barbarian rage

magic damage is ok cause is way too weak comperted to melee damage or paladin melee smites, enemy warriors or paladin can take you down easy in 1 turn

Last edited by DYNIA; 20/10/23 01:34 PM.
DYNIA #917112 20/10/23 01:34 PM
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After reading the thread I absolutely want different visuals for different kinds of missing attacks. I guess it'd make fights feel much more vivid and misses less boring/annoying.

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Originally Posted by Staunton
After reading the thread I absolutely want different visuals for different kinds of missing attacks. I guess it'd make fights feel much more vivid and misses less boring/annoying.

this dosent change fact AC = dodge chance if you get hit you get 100% damage and crit one shoot you cause there is no defence expect resistance that lower dmg you take

DYNIA #917118 20/10/23 01:54 PM
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The fighting visuals never bothered me, because I hide the armor. I find the view much nicer when I see the companions run in camp clothes. It's also more "pulp" fiction/movie like. So glad that we have that option. I personally would find it much less appealing to see everyone all the time in heavy armour, helmets, masks just to show detailed parrying and hitting moves.
(Do people remember Boorman's Excalibur film from the 1970's ? Fantastic movie, but the knights wearing their armour all the time was a big downer for me.)

DYNIA #917120 20/10/23 01:58 PM
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Originally Posted by DYNIA
Originally Posted by Staunton
After reading the thread I absolutely want different visuals for different kinds of missing attacks. I guess it'd make fights feel much more vivid and misses less boring/annoying.

this dosent change fact AC = dodge chance if you get hit you get 100% damage and crit one shoot you cause there is no defence expect resistance that lower dmg you take
If that were true, you wouldn't need to roll for damage. The sword would always hit for 8 HP. That's the 100% damage. The 1 to 7 damage you can get is therefore an imperfect blow.

ldo58 #917123 20/10/23 02:27 PM
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Originally Posted by ldo58
Originally Posted by DYNIA
Originally Posted by Staunton
After reading the thread I absolutely want different visuals for different kinds of missing attacks. I guess it'd make fights feel much more vivid and misses less boring/annoying.

this dosent change fact AC = dodge chance if you get hit you get 100% damage and crit one shoot you cause there is no defence expect resistance that lower dmg you take
If that were true, you wouldn't need to roll for damage. The sword would always hit for 8 HP. That's the 100% damage. The 1 to 7 damage you can get is therefore an imperfect blow.

enemy hit you, roll for 10 damage you get hit for 10 damage, if armor reduction would work it would be something like this

gs +3 with str 20, - 15-30 damage enemy roll for 25 damage you have 20 ac so you take only 5 damage, idk how much simpler i can tell you how armor works

25 damage from enemy - 20 your ac = 5 damage taken finally

armor reduce damage you take not give more dodge chance, dodge chance is dor dex characters not str with plate

now with 20 ac you have like 50-60 chance to dodge with 0 damage reduce if you have no resistance, with 20 ac when enemy crit you you just die, you cant even defend yourself and that is complitly nonsense cause monk with robe have more ac than warrior in plate armor

Last edited by DYNIA; 20/10/23 02:32 PM.
DYNIA #917126 20/10/23 02:32 PM
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Reality = Dude attacks another dude in plate armor with sword. Sword attack glances off. Repeat. Same effect. Repeat. Same effect. Repeat ... you cannot deal any damage with a standard sword against plate armor. You have to find the gaps (which not always exist by the way, some plate armors completely protected the whole body) with halfswording or use a topheavy weapon so you can deal enough blunt damage despite the plate armor to for example manage to break bones beneath the armor.

D&D = Dude attacks another dude in plate armor with a sword, rolls high enough, and hits him for X damage. There is no such thing as hitpoints in reality.

Reality = Plate armor was the ultimate armor at the end of the medieval age. One plate armor can be wildly different than the other. There was a ton of other armor types as well, but wasnt really leather armor. Leather does not even remotely compare to steel in robustness.

D&D = Uses tons of armor which are grouped into light, medium, and heavy. Within any of these groups, all armor have the same functionality. You can immediately wear a plate armor dropped by an enemy (in reality plate armor has to be tailor made, since steel plates are rigid and if they dont fit, the user can be cut or may be unable to move etc).

Reality is not like D&D at all. The point of D&D is not to reproduce reality, but to have a balanced ruleset that is a fun base for games. Asking for realism is thus not serving any purpose. This by the way is true for ALL game design. Games have to work as a game.

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Originally Posted by Halycon Styxland

Reality = Dude attacks another dude in plate armor with sword. Sword attack glances off. Repeat. Same effect. Repeat. Same effect. Repeat ... you cannot deal any damage with a standard sword against plate armor. .

you hit and deal 0 damage, not dodge attack complitly

in this game you DODGE in plate armor, still dont get it ?

in this scenerio you tell how im telling all the time how plate armor should work, you have no fucking dodge in plate armor, you get hit by long sword and reduce damage to 0

DYNIA #917140 20/10/23 03:11 PM
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Originally Posted by DYNIA
Originally Posted by Halycon Styxland

Reality = Dude attacks another dude in plate armor with sword. Sword attack glances off. Repeat. Same effect. Repeat. Same effect. Repeat ... you cannot deal any damage with a standard sword against plate armor. .

you hit and deal 0 damage, not dodge attack complitly

in this game you DODGE in plate armor, still dont get it ?

in this scenerio you tell how im telling all the time how plate armor should work, you have no fucking dodge in plate armor, you get hit by long sword and reduce damage to 0

Everybody understands your objection. But because it is a pointless objection and you have a bad attitude, nobody really cares.

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Originally Posted by Warlocke
Originally Posted by DYNIA
Originally Posted by Halycon Styxland

Reality = Dude attacks another dude in plate armor with sword. Sword attack glances off. Repeat. Same effect. Repeat. Same effect. Repeat ... you cannot deal any damage with a standard sword against plate armor. .

you hit and deal 0 damage, not dodge attack complitly

in this game you DODGE in plate armor, still dont get it ?

in this scenerio you tell how im telling all the time how plate armor should work, you have no fucking dodge in plate armor, you get hit by long sword and reduce damage to 0

Everybody understands your objection. But because it is a pointless objection and you have a bad attitude, nobody really cares.

its complitly nonsense that you get so much dodge in plate armor

DYNIA #917145 20/10/23 03:39 PM
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Originally Posted by DYNIA
Originally Posted by Warlocke
Originally Posted by DYNIA
Originally Posted by Halycon Styxland

Reality = Dude attacks another dude in plate armor with sword. Sword attack glances off. Repeat. Same effect. Repeat. Same effect. Repeat ... you cannot deal any damage with a standard sword against plate armor. .

you hit and deal 0 damage, not dodge attack complitly

in this game you DODGE in plate armor, still dont get it ?

in this scenerio you tell how im telling all the time how plate armor should work, you have no fucking dodge in plate armor, you get hit by long sword and reduce damage to 0

Everybody understands your objection. But because it is a pointless objection and you have a bad attitude, nobody really cares.

its complitly nonsense that you get so much dodge in plate armor
Its complete nonsense that you get so many dodges in D&D combat period.

But plate armor isn't that much of a disadvatage to dodging. I would even say in D&D a plate armor is penalized too much with getting no benefit from Dex.

DYNIA #917240 21/10/23 12:00 AM
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I'd advise folks to ignore this thread at this point and let it die; there is nothing more of value to be added or gained, given the OP's attitude and inability to communicate clearly, and their unwillingness to take on board or acknowledge anything anyone else says.

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