Originally Posted by Zentu
Originally Posted by Rahaya
Originally Posted by Zentu
For me it is hassle of needing to pause. If I get distracted the game could keep running while I am looking away.
You do realize the only game type this applies to is pure turn based, even though you said full real time was fine, correct?

Depends on the game type. For a CRPG solo play with party dynamics I feel like (personal opinion) that turn base is better. I love hearing people refer to the fact RTwP was used in the earlier games. When those games launched a LOT of us begged for a turn based option instead.

The idea of RTwP is not in itself bad, it is just a lot of us came from Table Top gaming so the game play dynamic felt off. The idea of RTwP is that the events of the turn happen purely simultaneously so you use the pause to set the action and then unpause to see the effect. I am sure there are many that like it and that is cool, but I feel if you have that dynamic you should allow for a pure turn based mode as well.

As I said the nostalgia crowd however, I feel, are either look back with rosed colored glasses or did not play when these games launched because I recall the various BBS and other forum discussion groups begging for turn based solutions.
...your opinion is noted, but that does not answer the question in any fashion.

Originally Posted by Zentu
Great find, thanks for pointing it out. BG3 has awaken among many of us the return to our first love, the CPRG and finding there are so many that have slipped under the radar is a gold mine to me. One thing I would wish however is the RTwP design go away. Either be real time or turn based.
Originally Posted by kanisatha
Originally Posted by Zentu
One thing I would wish however is the RTwP design go away. Either be real time or turn based.
Sorry, but I don't get this. What's the difference between a game being RT and RTwP? If you play a RTwP game without pausing it, you get to have your RT game. Pausing is optional. Why would you want to take that option away from people like me who love it and want it?
Your response was the hassle of pausing. Which is something you need to do in RT as well, as per the initial question was about RT vs RTwP as was mine, not about who felt what way about Turn Based Combat. And as an aside, as I do expect you to answer the actual question, the more considerate, inclusive opinion would be hoping for turn based to be included as an option more regularly going forward instead of forcing it on others because you don't like manually pausing.