Originally Posted by AmayaTenjo
Question for the druid players

Its been mentioned before that "marriage" is kind of not a thing for druids, how true is this? Is it antithetical to their teachings or is it like, most just dont because theyre too focused on druidry?

I see it being used as an explanation for Halsin not wanting an actual relationship with Tav and I think its a load of BS but I also dont know much about established DnD lore
I think the writer wanted to play somehow with Halsin's animalistic nature, which ended up as not very good justification for him not being fond of relationships (bears are not really polygamous and he is an elf, after all).
I'm not a DnD player too, but yes, we know Jaheira, she was married and there was no problem with that. So, I think, if you are a druid and want to be with someone and even marry this person, nothing stops you. Relathionships is a natural thing.