To be honest, the only issue I had with the Daisy implementation that we had in EA was that it took your character away from you and told you what you thought and felt about something - it was creepy and rapey, but that alone wasn't the problem; the problem was that outside of it the game rules that you found it enticing and appealing and alluring and tempting and you had no capability of telling anyone otherwise... so it left you in a situation where you might repeatedly reject the advances of the character, and have them continue to move on you and make increasing degrees of physical contact despite your continued rejections... and then to have the game turn around and go "yeah, you liked that." The issue would have been easily solved if they'd given players more opportunity to define to the game and to other characters, how they felt about the situation, and note that they felt it was intrusive and violating, if they indeed felt so. This feedback was given, in great volume, but Larian decided that the correct change was to rip it all out and write something entirely new at the last minute.