Originally Posted by Conrad Curze
Originally Posted by Walking Kole
Originally Posted by Conrad Curze
But there were never any plans for "alternative" patch. This is just your opinion (shared by maybe 3 more people here) literally everyone everywhere have different opinion about her questline. Hate to break it out to you guys but you're the minority and now even particularly loud one.

I would love to know how you figured that out when on any social media platform, our view is by far the most popular one regarding Karlach's predicament.

Originally Posted by Conrad Curze
The other one corrects him that this is what's already in the game, he clearly meant the scene in act 2 where Dammon makes it so Karlach's touch doesn't burn people.

No. You're completely wrong. Here's what's happening:

Dammon's VA mentions how Dammon figured out a solution. Then he says he wasn't expecting him to come up with that solution because beforehand Dammon said he couldn't do anything else for her -- that's the second time you meet Dammon. When Sam reminds him that that is what's in the game right now, that's the moment Dammon's VA clasps his mouth having realized he said something he shouldn't have. They played it off, but the truth is out there.

Originally Posted by Conrad Curze
You really want to compare yourself to some twitter weirdos that complain about literally everything and do it for the sake of complaining? They always find problems and reasons to be mad, don't go this way

It has nothing to do with complaints, and everything to do with fan content and engagement. Even if you disregard the entire user base, if you only check Larian's official Twitter, you'll see their Karlach tweets are some of the most popular ones.
I'm not very active on social media (mostly reddit) and I've never seen anyone complaining about Karlach until I went here. The view I saw the most often so far is that the game is GOTY material but Emperor vs Orpheus conflict is done poorly/feels rushed. Nobody ever mentioned Karlach outside this thread. But I decided to dive into the issue and verify what you said and the biggest "complaint" I found about Karlach was that she's not coded as lesbian character (which is kinda weird because none of the companion's sexuality is pre defined) but once again, it's twitter so it doesn't surprise me.

As for VAs, no, I don't think they'd air something that could have potential spoilers, it was just a slip up about the act 2 and they played it as a joke

After I finished the game for the firs time, it was even before patch 2 and I figured out, that I'm not able to fix her I started to look what did I wrong on the internet and reddit, steam forums and similar we're full of these posts and topics about why Karlach cannot be fixed and first clues about removed content. Many of these threads were locked and deleted and people moved here.

Please honestly answer me simple questions. Isn't it strange, that in whole act3 there is zero dialogs directly speaking about why she cannot be fixed? Doesn't it feel strange, that dialogs, where you basically expect that there will be something about the fix are missing at all or leads to nowhere?

And I don't have any problem with actual endings, no, I like them. But the one missing ending option which you expect from act1 to be somewhere at the end of the game is frustrating.

Last edited by Rae; 22/10/23 11:15 AM.