You have to remember that Sony/Steam wants a patch/hotfix/change to go through their change control before releasing it (makes sense) which seems to take a bit of time to go through the pipeline.
Seems like Larian is forced to forego any proper DevOps or change control. The days of doing these large, bulk changes/hotfixes are over, but Larian cannot release 1000 individual hotfixes to Sony/Steam as they finish each one, so Larian is stuck having to submit the 1000 changes under 1 change control submission to Sony/Steam.
Who knows what type of cost is associated with these change submissions, I assume submitting 1 large change is cheaper than submitting 1000 small changes.
If Larian used their own launcher and BG3 were only available on PC? The current issues (such as Act 3) would be getting worked on, submitted, and applied daily as Larian would control the pipeline.
Since Larian relies on 3rd party platforms to host/launch their game, they have to follow the rules to release on those platforms.
This excuses the wait for changes/patches/hotfixes, but does not excuse the radio silence.
A vital key is the relationship between PR and the community manager, who then relays (what PR has approved) to the community to keep them updated.
A note explaining the patching process and mentioning a few upcoming changes to generate excitement, would alleviate most of this sourness coming from the community and build a great relationship for current and future product releases.
EDIT: I just checked.
The Community Manager here, Salo, hasn't logged in since Oct 6, 16 days ago....
Even if we play Devil's Advocate and assume Salo has 3 or 4 weeks of vacation to use; where is their coverage? I'm sure there's someone who can jump on and take over while Salo takes their well deserved break...
Last edited by Xzero; 22/10/2301:41 PM.
Where's my Baldur's Gate 3 Xbox Collector's Edition?