Originally Posted by EldritchBlast
Originally Posted by Thorvic

Originally Posted by perditaxdream

[spoiler]I watched the mindflayer Tav ending on YouTube and was so shocked at how romantic that final scene was compared to his normal romance ending, even though he breaks up with you if you turn into a mindlflayer. Why did all of the emotion and love get put into THAT scene where you don't even end up together anymore?? Such a strange choice.

I admit that I have never even considered to turn my PC into a squid. That's why I have Karlach, that's her sole purpose to be a squid smile.

I've never seen this ending as I have zero interest in being a squid. I had to look it up just now.. Well, this is disturbing that you get such a heartfelt scene with Astarion if you turn into a squid. What is a purpose of it if there is no way to continue a romance?

Jeez, it seems that you get a better cutscenes with Astarion in all but a good Ole "normal" ending. Normal in a conventional way, where 2 people who love each other just want to be together and live their lives. I guess, we can't have that, someone at Larian is convinced that a mandane happy ending is not a right way to go?