Joined: Sep 2023
Well maybe im Wrong but for Me Astarion should Never Had a Good ending.. he is a Thief and a Vampire.. theres no GOOD in him.. i all my games when i was playing a good dude by the time i get to finish his quest when i refuse to help him becouse i will not create another moster im a hero.. he just made me kill him.. You do have a point, but I think it actually depends on player's approach to his character. On my 1st playthrough, I basically ignored him, I didn't care about him at all. I actually did only his quest in act 3 - the fight with Cazador and I guess only because of my high persuasion skill I suprisingly convinced him not to ascend and he was actually nicer after that. So in 2nd playthroug I befriend him and even romanced him and he can be whole different person (especially non-ascended version) and THIS version of him really deserves something better than to run in pain from the sun while being mocked by his companions.
Joined: Feb 2023
would love a better ending for our dear vampire, would trade karlach+halsin for that
Joined: Sep 2023
His redemption arc if you care about your companions generally, and influence his choices in his own quest to not become Cazador Mark 2, definitely deserves much better from the game than being the butt of a very poor taste joke.
Necromancy of Thay book gives obvious clues that there was something cut from the game to have an option to cure Astarion as an alternative ending to his quest line, they failed to cut it entirely as he is the one member of the party that wants you to let him read it and has follow up dialogues about it if you do, especially as you find something in Sorcerous Sundries which is supposed to translate it and which currently goes nowhere particularly important.
# Justice for Astarion
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
The necromancy book is an interesting way to find out the full truth behind his scars if you fumble Raphael's deal in Act II, but few people go that route, for a variety of reasons.
Joined: Sep 2023
doesn't help that the rat person is buggy in Act 2.
Astarion is my preferred romance partner due to the writing and acting - minus the ending.
On the one occasion I did the full endings I was left with a bad taste in my mouth and just sad. He's owed so much more. Even if not romanced this guy has fought alongside you, helped you, for the entire game.
My preferred game ending is just to kill Orin, Kill Cazador and stop after I've had the graveyard scene. At that point I'm perfectly satisfied and not unhappy. Don't care about the big bad, its just another enemy with some badly railroaded choices thrown in for good measure. Will happily let it sit under the city not bothering me for all subsequent playthroughs if Larian doesn't sort out something better for endings.
# Justice for Astarion
Joined: Sep 2023
I was so reluctant to give Necromancy of Thay to Astarion because I didn't want it to come back to bite us in the ass later. And it turned out to be worth nothing. He didn't even bonk Cazador over the head with it. doesn't help that the rat person is buggy in Act 2.
Astarion is my preferred romance partner due to the writing and acting - minus the ending.
On the one occasion I did the full endings I was left with a bad taste in my mouth and just sad. He's owed so much more. Even if not romanced this guy has fought alongside you, helped you, for the entire game.
My preferred game ending is just to kill Orin, Kill Cazador and stop after I've had the graveyard scene. At that point I'm perfectly satisfied and not unhappy. Don't care about the big bad, its just another enemy with some badly railroaded choices thrown in for good measure. Will happily let it sit under the city not bothering me for all subsequent playthroughs if Larian doesn't sort out something better for endings. I lost interest in the main plot the moment the Emperor showed up in its true form. And after seeing the "endings" my Act 3 goes like this: Cazador first to make Astarion's life easier, Orin next because I play Durge, then House of Grief because we understand and take care of Shadowheart, and finally Lorroakan because Rolan grew on me. There are some interesting side quests, but the lack of companion reactivity makes things so dull. Nothing happens in camp anymore either which makes long rests a chore.
Joined: Aug 2020
I was so reluctant to give Necromancy of Thay to Astarion because I didn't want it to come back to bite us in the ass later. And it turned out to be worth nothing. He didn't even bonk Cazador over the head with it. On my first run I gave it to Astarion, and sure there was one fun cutscene of him screaming at the book and that's it. No special abilities aside from the passive and free speak with the dead spell, and later the summon ghouls spell. I was legit scratching my head asking myself: is that it? So from then on I just went and read the book on my mains in the subsequent playthroughs, I'd rather have that speak with dead spell always available on my Tavs/Durges without having to constantly carry that amulet which gives the spell, swapping it in to activate the spell and swapping it out (I always forgot to swap it out), it's just an unnecessary chore. But yeah, there should've been more to this book. It's been hinted at but nope, goes nowhere, just like that cave under Cazador's mansion (the one under his ritual zone), looked like there were supposed to be some puzzles, but got cut. I lost interest in the main plot the moment the Emperor showed up in its true form. And after seeing the "endings" my Act 3 goes like this: Cazador first to make Astarion's life easier, Orin next because I play Durge, then House of Grief because we understand and take care of Shadowheart, and finally Lorroakan because Rolan grew on me. There are some interesting side quests, but the lack of companion reactivity makes things so dull. Nothing happens in camp anymore either which makes long rests a chore. Yup, I've reached this point for the 3rd time now and I also feel a sudden loss of will to continue playing even BEFORE the Emperor's reveal. All 3 runs I romanced Astarion too. Interestingly patch 3 reshuffled his 'You are incredible' confession, so you are more likely to get the one he thanks you for letting him avoid munching on Araj (unless you go out of your way to not speak to her until you have dealt with Yurgir, or talk to her without Astarion around so you can at least try to buy some things), quite interesting that Larian has decided to bind 'you are incredible' confession to killing Yurgir for Raphael. Sure, makes sense I guess. What I generally like doing in act 3 is... everything in Rivington, start the murder quest chain, then finish the murder quest chain (without entering the Tribunal ofc, that I save for much later) in Lower City, save Minsc asap - he has a ton of commentary and reactivity to a lot of quests (including Mizora's nighttime visit), from there I do Shadowheart's quest first, then Gale's, then Iron Throne, then Foundry, then Baldur's Mouth Gazette (no Steel Watchers harassing me after Foundry goes poof), then Ansur, then Emperor's hideout in Elfsong, then House of Hope, then Cazador (finally - doing it so late too is cause I want Astarion's siblings to try to abduct him, sure, could rush to Cazador immediately, but if you wait, you get more content and more info on Astarion's backstory), then Lorroakan, then Gortash (or Tribunal and Orin), then Tribunal, then Orin, then the end game. I genuinely think doing the main quests in act 3 in this order makes for the best flow story wise. Regardless, I really gotta push myself to finish the game again... ugh. I just wish more was happening in camp between long rests. Currently it's so damn front-loaded. 1st rest - Emperor's "rEvEaL", 2nd rest Vlaakith comes to say hello and taunts Lae'zel, 3rd rest - Dark Urge's Bhaalspawn 'reveal' (if you are on good path it's basically when you rediscover who you are), 4th rest - Emperor's overhears and is sad about Stelmane's death (this one can bug Durge's out to the point you'll need Gortash to tell you who you are - discovered that the hard way on my 1st Durge), then nothing until you visit Gortash and enter the Lower City, then you are bombarded by: Mizora's visit, Orin's visit, Astarion's siblings visit, also Jaheira arguing with Minsc. Once all that is done, you get nothing until you start doing companion quests... Still, there is nothing more I dread than seeing Astarion being scorched AGAIN. Ugh...
Last edited by Nicottia; 21/10/23 08:20 PM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
But yeah, there should've been more to this book. It's been hinted at but nope, goes nowhere Like I said above, it's an alternate way to find out about the ritual (the whole truth about it). But it's redundant if you already know via Raphael. Maybe the book was originally supposed to play a larger role - dunno.
Joined: Aug 2020
But yeah, there should've been more to this book. It's been hinted at but nope, goes nowhere Like I said above, it's an alternate way to find out about the ritual (the whole truth about it). But it's redundant if you already know via Raphael. Maybe the book was originally supposed to play a larger role - dunno. Yeah I read that response from you, but how does that work though? Obviously you gotta unlock the final page to get that knowledge I'll wager? Cause I know for a fact if you kill that last Dark Justiciar (the rat guy) before meeting Yurgir, you will automatically complete his contract and Raphael will make him a new deal but that way you don't get the knowledge about the ritual from Rapahel, Astarion is very pissed off at you (and possibly leaves if you fumble your skill checks, not sure if he also breaks up with you in the beginning of act 3 in that scenario). Also, yeah my guess the book was very likely supposed to play a larger role. Just like you, we dunno. So much of the game was cut and rewritten...
Last edited by Nicottia; 21/10/23 10:33 PM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
how does that work though? Obviously you gotta unlock the final page to get that knowledge I'll wager? Yep. You have Astarion fully unlock the book once you figure out how to do it (in Act III). You get another cutscene and he'll talk about what he found in it.
Joined: Aug 2020
how does that work though? Obviously you gotta unlock the final page to get that knowledge I'll wager? Yep. You have Astarion fully unlock the book once you figure out how to do it (in Act III). You get another cutscene and he'll talk about what he found in it. I believe I recall asking him about the book once it was fully unlocked and him briefly mentioning the ritual yeah (cause in all my runs I did Raphael's request).
Joined: Oct 2023
I created this account only to concur! I am glad that in this thread I have finally found "my people"  Since finishing the game I've manically googled "news updates on Larian fixing the ending" and talked to others about this specific issue in the largest bg3 Facebook groups, on bg3 tumblr and in my gaming discord with all the other Astarionmancers. They did us dirty with this ending. The game is a 10/10 and the best RPG I've ever played, which just makes the pain even worse. When I reached Act 3 the romance story was so compelling I did the Cazador story first thing I possibly could, underleveled. My mistake, since after that amazing well crafted story line there is very little romance content aside from a depressing brothel scene where Astarion dissociates from trauma and him slut shaming me for sleeping with Haarlep. Also the long rest scene-stacking bugs gave me the Mizora scene after another cutscene so the dialogue with Astarion was skipped, deleted and never seen again as I was put into combat out of camp instead.
I played through the whole of the long Act 3 brutally starved for romantic content, but I powered through because I WAS SURE you would get something amazing in the end! A final romance scene, closure with your love, of course. I mean, these kinds of games always have that, right?
When the game ended, and Astarion just ran off burning as Gale taunted him and said it was most likely the last time any of us would see him (like what, that's my romantic partner, what do you mean Gale?!) I was utterly confused.
Then came one final cutscene, with three (!) lines on the themes of "Let's adventure", "Do you still want this" and "That'll be fun" said in the least convincing manner. No hug, no kiss, no consolation, no expressed love. And then it was over.
That left me with a Mass Effect 3-ending type empty darkness. Devastating. The game gave me an epic cutscene with Karlach in hell with a full on cool soundtrack and cigarrs, and lots of time with Gale who I almost only had in my camp where we could talk about his plans for the crown, but they couldn't bring me any emotional closure with my full on romance after more than 400 hours of play through?
Is their point that Astarion is incapable of love and so scarred that he would rather remain friends than your love interest, and every profession of love in the rest of the game is just some insecure lie not to lose you, and you as the player must be punished for trying to romance such a scarred character? Or what point could this ever be trying to make? For weeks I didn't want to touch the game, there is no point bringing a character to the end of it when there is no end. I have read everything I've found on cut ending content, watched ending videos on YouTube, scoured discussions and forum posts. I saw someone say that spawn Astarion got a cute scene at the High Hall and new voice lines during the final battle where he is self sacrificing in a cute way. And I was like HA, that's what I missed, there's the romantic closure!
So I reloaded to talk to my companions during the High Hall-scene. It was only more depressing. You're like "This can be our last moment alive, let's make this kiss count!" followed by the most chaste unromantic peck on the cheek possible...
Nothing. After the ending of the Cazador quest you really get nothing if you go the redeeming route.
I reloaded and turned myself into a squidgirl for the Emperor and even then Gale still taunted Astarion in his completely tone deaf out of character and narrative way, but after that I actually got a conversation with substance, emotion and content, where Astarion half breaks up with you for being a squid but in a very beautiful way, talking about your time and love together, bringing that important game ending closure... This thread needs to be bumped into eternity, the "good ending" needs to be fixed. Like many of you have pointed out they don't have to so much, just: - Leave his burning and taunted scene for those who have low approval, no romance and who mainly just left him in camp.
- For those with high approval or romance 1) remove the "That's the last time we see him" taunts (wtf, friends or lovers don't abandon their friends or lovers just because they have to hangout indoors with curtains or during party nights out now) 2) put his burning scene last and make the PC able to choose going after them to console them, either as a close friend or love.
- Add emotional closure to the final dialogue scene; some kind of physical closeness like hand holding, a hug or a kiss, and actual talk of your future, past struggles and especially what you feel for each other. Assurance that there is love. Not just three lackluster lines and cut to credits.
- When they say "make it count" in the High Hall, actually make that kiss count, make it convey desperate love in the face of danger, make it a real kiss. This is needed for the ending not to be broken. For extra credit however they could: - Actually put in that celebratory party they talk about on the docks into the game and have you able to talk to your companions. Actually let you leave the party to have a final nigh of love with your romance (just copy paste the Dragon Age Inquisition ending ).
- Add some more potential romance during long rests in Act three, it could just be a short voiceless or voiced cutscene of your romance coming to sneak down into your bed rolls and cut to black, that's enough to keep the romance feeling like it actually exists during all those nights without long rest events.
(The whole conflict thing where the game mechanics and certain timed quests make you want to not take long rests but where the story wants you to and how this makes the cut scenes stack and cancel out and bug each other if you don't take enough long rests is a discussion for another time.) Thank you for coming to my Ted talk, sorry for the wall of text but man it's not cool to let me put hundreds of hours into a game that builds this intense relationships with uniquely amazingly written characters and have it end in that traumatizing a way. Please, Larian, we know you have some of the best writers, animators, actors and game makers in the world on your team, just patch this piece of the story please <3
Joined: Apr 2021
I wholeheartedly agree with everything you (and others here) said! Very well put, @perditaxdream!
Do hope Larian will listen. Time and again game companies somehow assume companions are only for lulz, no one ever will be attached to them and this content can be pretty much ignored. Are we - those who care - really a minority?
Joined: Oct 2023
Well maybe im Wrong but for Me Astarion should Never Had a Good ending.. he is a Thief and a Vampire.. theres no GOOD in him.. i all my games when i was playing a good dude by the time i get to finish his quest when i refuse to help him becouse i will not create another moster im a hero.. he just made me kill him.. i Beleave that He never was supposed to be played as a Good Guy like a Said.. he is a Vampire and a Thief.. dude in Any tabletop he at least would have been a Neutral evil..meaning he was never supposed to be GOOD. But ho knows maybe im Wrong and yu guys are corret.. i just always felt that he is a Companion Perfect for a Durge game or a Evil one becouse in all my evil games he basicly become my right arm man and minthara my Demonic Godess. RS and Fun Fact He was like a Devil in my shoulder the entire game like in old Cartoons.. haha Why did you even bother giving your 2 cents on a character that you clearly never bothered to truly know? What you "beleave" is irrelevant because Larian put a redemption arc for him into the game for a reason. Those of us who actually helped him become a better person shouldn't have to suffer with a terrible ending for him just because YOU chose to ignore him in your good playthroughs. I saw someone say that spawn Astarion got a cute scene at the High Hall and new voice lines during the final battle where he is self sacrificing in a cute way. And I was like HA, that's what I missed, there's the romantic closure!
So I reloaded to talk to my companions during the High Hall-scene. It was only more depressing. You're like "This can be our last moment alive, let's make this kiss count!" followed by the most chaste unromantic peck on the cheek possible...
Nothing. After the ending of the Cazador quest you really get nothing if you go the redeeming route.
I reloaded and turned myself into a squidgirl for the Emperor and even then Gale still taunted Astarion in his completely tone deaf out of character and narrative way, but after that I actually got a conversation with substance, emotion and content, where Astarion half breaks up with you for being a squid but in a very beautiful way, talking about your time and love together, bringing that important game ending closure... I watched the mindflayer Tav ending on YouTube and was so shocked at how romantic that final scene was compared to his normal romance ending, even though he breaks up with you if you turn into a mindlflayer. Why did all of the emotion and love get put into THAT scene where you don't even end up together anymore?? Such a strange choice.
Joined: Sep 2023
I'm not being serious here, but after we stand there and watch him burn the guy has the right to have doubts about the relationship.
Joined: Nov 2021
[spoiler]I watched the mindflayer Tav ending on YouTube and was so shocked at how romantic that final scene was compared to his normal romance ending, even though he breaks up with you if you turn into a mindlflayer. Why did all of the emotion and love get put into THAT scene where you don't even end up together anymore?? Such a strange choice. I admit that I have never even considered to turn my PC into a squid. That's why I have Karlach, that's her sole purpose to be a squid  . I've never seen this ending as I have zero interest in being a squid. I had to look it up just now.. Well, this is disturbing that you get such a heartfelt scene with Astarion if you turn into a squid. What is a purpose of it if there is no way to continue a romance? Jeez, it seems that you get a better cutscenes with Astarion in all but a good Ole "normal" ending. Normal in a conventional way, where 2 people who love each other just want to be together and live their lives. I guess, we can't have that, someone at Larian is convinced that a mandane happy ending is not a right way to go?
Joined: Oct 2023
Jeez, it seems that you get a better cutscenes with Astarion in all but a good Ole "normal" ending. Normal in a conventional way, where 2 people who love each other just want to be together and live their lives. I guess, we can't have that, someone at Larian is convinced that a mandane happy ending is not a right way to go? Fuck a bear, become a squid, romance all the hells in unspeakable ways, get mind screwed by a nymph and whipped by erotic clerics and scream MOOORE but gods take you if you want to just hug your boyfriend and tell him you love him and everything's gonna be ok XD Why did all of the emotion and love get put into THAT scene [...] ?? Such a strange choice. The question of the year, really! Like, we know they can write some of the best RPG material out there, with intense emotion, it's in the game already, so why make this choice? Did they forget to make this scene? Is this because of that thing where Tav didn't originally exist and the player was always dark urge, so that when they created Tav they forgot to write the Tav romance endings? I don't know... It's a mystery! Do hope Larian will listen. Time and again game companies somehow assume companions are only for lulz, no one ever will be attached to them and this content can be pretty much ignored. Are we - those who care - really a minority? I'm pretty sure they well know how much characters mean to the players, they have created a deep masterpiece with emotional connection. They know the players will feel this, for sure. This is like the exception to the rest of the content, it doesn't feel intentional but more like an oversight? I truly hope they will listen <3 I am almost sure they already are listening, but can't tell us exactly what they are planning 
Joined: Oct 2023
Here is another sad voice from a small room with a gaming PC and hopes to be heard. I love this game and have reached 600 hours. It's my second full playthrough, and both times i romanced Astarion (because I can't help it) But I can't handle the ending. How they treat their figurehead. Kicked in the dark corner with unnecessary comments. And all I can do is watch. He deserves something real for his character journey. After two centuries of pure s**t, going numb and evil, he chose the good way. Amazing. and now? Of course, in the last scene he says that he is finally free and that he has only lost the ability to walk in the sun. OK. Maybe we'll find a cure? OK, nice headcanon. that was it! Thats the ending of this Masterpiece? What do I deserve now? C'mon, at least one last picture, together through the darkness with his hand in mine. Not even a 'longer' Hug for us? And what about the others? How do I stay with them? There was a party at the end of the first act, but at the end of the entire journey there is only laughter at Astarion and shrugging at Karlach's death? It feels listless, unfinished and Unsatisfied. And so do I end the game!? Pitty. (Still one of the best games, thanks a lot. I will do support and love with passion. (take all my money and soul.))
Joined: Sep 2023
Interestingly patch 3 reshuffled his 'You are incredible' confession, so you are more likely to get the one he thanks you for letting him avoid munching on Araj (unless you go out of your way to not speak to her until you have dealt with Yurgir, or talk to her without Astarion around so you can at least try to buy some things), quite interesting that Larian has decided to bind 'you are incredible' confession to killing Yurgir for Raphael. Sure, makes sense I guess. Makes sense, but also makes it even easier to get the Araj one instead, and that one just doesn't flow well. It feels like it should be two different conversations. then Cazador (finally - doing it so late too is cause I want Astarion's siblings to try to abduct him, sure, could rush to Cazador immediately, but if you wait, you get more content and more info on Astarion's backstory) That's one of my most favorite convos in the game, especially his response to saying that Cazador broke him.
Joined: Nov 2021
Interestingly patch 3 reshuffled his 'You are incredible' confession, so you are more likely to get the one he thanks you for letting him avoid munching on Araj (unless you go out of your way to not speak to her until you have dealt with Yurgir, or talk to her without Astarion around so you can at least try to buy some things), quite interesting that Larian has decided to bind 'you are incredible' confession to killing Yurgir for Raphael. Sure, makes sense I guess. Makes sense, but also makes it even easier to get the Araj one instead, and that one just doesn't flow well. It feels like it should be two different conversations. then Cazador (finally - doing it so late too is cause I want Astarion's siblings to try to abduct him, sure, could rush to Cazador immediately, but if you wait, you get more content and more info on Astarion's backstory) That's one of my most favorite convos in the game, especially his response to saying that Cazador broke him. That's what I thought as well, all they have to do is split the cutscene in two. One spontaneous confession for high approval and the short "thank you" after meeting the drow. And leave the full "thank you" cutscene as it is for low approval after meeting Araj. I always do Casadors palace last right before taking out the last chosen. Otherwise I have NO incentive to continue playing act 3. There is so little interaction with Astarion in act 3 (but I hear that all companions are very quiet in act 3, so it could be a much bigger problem than just Astarion), and unless I ascend him I cannot stomach the crappy ending, so I just quit afterwards.
Last edited by andromeda087; 24/10/23 01:19 PM.