old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
Who tf knows with act III Halsin, prolly will just do what he does in the end anyway. "I only care about orphans, hon, and our kid obviously isn't one, so..." poofs out
Joined: Sep 2023
IIRC he's the only male companion who seems like he even wants kids (Gale doesn't really like the idea, I'm not sure it ever comes up with Astarion or Wyll). I can't fathom the idea of Wyll not wanting kids to carry forth the Ravengard name, though I don't think it's brought up. Same with Halsin for different reasons. But I think in the case of the males they didn't really implement any dialogue for it because the companions are playersexual and while I'm no D&D expert I'm not sure how they'd explain men having children together. But then again doesnt SH bring up the idea? She's up for it, but it's only mentioned in dialogue tedious to get to right now due to what I can only assume is a bug, and during some (cut?) companion banter. There's also some cut, already voiced dialogue of companions talking about Minthara that heavily implies she's not just up for it but that it happens during the game.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
But I think in the case of the males they didn't really implement any dialogue for it because the companions are playersexual and while I'm no D&D expert I'm not sure how they'd explain men having children together. But they implemented it - sort of - for two female companions. Who might be romancing other women (or perhaps nonbinary types).
Joined: Oct 2023
I assumed Astarion is sterile due to the vampirism so it never occured to me, he doesnt seem to be the family type anyway. Wyll and Gale seem like theyd be open to it maybe, but when Gale mentioned writing a letter to his mom I immediately got monster in law vibes for some reason. Im sure Karlach would love to be a mom though.
But the only babies I want are Halsin babies anyway.
I can just see it so vividly:
Tav, having just given birth: "Halsin, would you like to hold your son?"
Halsin, nervously taking a tiny newborn into his big strong hands, holding him skin to skin against his chest. His face flooded with emotion.
Im seriously close to just writing up a bunch of fanfiction.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
Im seriously close to just writing up a bunch of fanfiction. NaNoWriMo is coming. I'm still trying to decide whether the world needs 50,000 words of bad BG3 fanfic from me. (The answer is no, it doesn't, but that's never stopped me before!)
Joined: Sep 2023
But they implemented it - sort of - for two female companions. Who might be romancing other women (or perhaps nonbinary types). Aye, magic, I suppose. No idea if there's anything written about that in 5e. I recall there was some talk about it in the SH thread but I genuinely don't remember what was said. Regardless, any Tav+companion couple can just go the Jaheira route. There's plenty of orphans you meet in the game alone. So they could've just written something about that instead to have it more neutral. Maybe when/if there's more romance content added!
Last edited by Michieltjuhh; 24/10/23 12:58 AM.
Joined: Oct 2023
If they can adequately fix whats broken first, then MAYBE a baby discussion can be had
Its gonna have to stay in what if territory for now
Ngl though its fun talking about it, along with other ideas for him
Joined: Oct 2023
hey guys, I don't know if this is allowed, I just posted a pretty long-winded commentary on the polyamory mechanic in BG3 on Reddit. Reddit postI'll post it here too because I'll probably delete it later but I thought it valuable to the discussion currently going on here. sorry if I formatted this wrong, my first time here  Ok, I want to start my rambling with a preface. I don't take issue with polyamory as a sexual practice, I'm not judging anybody's real-life relationship. What 3, 4, 5, or however many consenting Adults do in the privacy of their multiple homes is none of my business. furthermore, if you're lucky enough to find a relationship dynamic that feels comfortable and emotionally healthy, good for you! nobody should try to take that away from you.
Many others have voiced this concern already, notably through the official forums and discord. I want to add my incoherent rantings to the mix now. Larian bragged about having a poly option in this game. After finishing the game and reading pages on pages of discussion threads, I can confidently say that this is an offensive depiction of polyamory. Now I'm no expert on this topic, but as far as I know, healthy poly(multiple)amory(love) comes with emotional investment. Everyone in the relationship is equal and emotional connection is shared between everyone involved. what we have in the game is not this, not poly, it's more like open monogamy with at times, questionable consent.
I am referring to Halsin's role in the romance between Tav and Shadowheart. Halsin's role in this relationship is more like a (for lack of a better word) fuck buddy only for SH, with no real emotional investment ever reflected in SH, where Tav is the main romantic interest. As others have said, SH is a bad candidate for this sort of relationship. The "poly" idea was clearly implemented very late in development along with Halsin. Her being poly contradicts a lot of the writing in the 1st and 2nd act that clearly give the impression that she is CRAZY about the practice of monogamy. On 5 different occasions, she turns down poly with the different origin characters. This is what she has to say every time you offer poly with any character "In truth, I don't think I'd want to be your spare lover. I'd always want more of you than you'd have to spare. Better perhaps to bow out with dignity." Then suddenly 2 days later, she's okay with a poly relationship?
And now I turn to the controversial, contradictory, buggy mess that is the Drow twins. since bestiality seems to have been a major selling point for this game, why not add incest while you're at it. For the sake of this post not being several pages long; I'm gonna focus on this interaction, it's a microcosm of the problems with this dynamic as implemented in the game. This scene was spoiled to me in the middle of Act 2 during my first run, as any spoiler would, it definitely messed with my immersion. (never reading YouTube comments again) I did not initiate it myself. This is how I found out about poly in this game and probably the reason I'm writing this book rn. I'm going to assume this mess was a result of Larian being really bad with flags. Judging by how many dialogue bugs there are in this game, I wouldn't be surprised if this whole thing was a miscommunication. triple-A games of this magnitude are worked on by many, many people.
I'll start off by saying that this is either a bugged interaction (still in bad taste if that's the case imo) or a bad prank on the player from the writer. judging by past characterization and history of sexual abuse, SH would never agree to the foursome in the first place (Halsin too!) or at least should be hesitant, but let's ignore that. We're assuming that you have a mono relationship with SH, and turned down Halsin's advances multiple times. If you go to the Drow twins, he will be quick to insert himself into the foursome (sketchy, again, we already turned him down before), Shadowheart not only agrees but actually comments that she has dreamt about this exact same scenario MANY times. She arguably pressures the player character to allow Halsin in, this implies questionable consent, which is not consent.
To add to this theory, both Halsin and SH DISAPPROVE when you deny Halsin his entry. To add insult to injury, the fade-to-black scene itself pretty much implies that you and the drow are just WATCHING while Halsin (you know what) in front of you. So in the case that this was only supposed to happen with a poly relationship between the three, it still contradicts the established characterization and previous dialogue from the two of them. and again, if this is a poly relationship, I get it's an orgy but why doesn't this scene include the player character doing anything? This especially looks awkward if you're doing mono only with SH. From a storytelling perspective, It's such a bizarre thing to have in interactive media lmao. I admit I was confused and upset when I learned this. looking at it detached from the game though, I'm laughing as I write this. How did this make it past the review process lol. if all I knew about this game, was this interaction, I would've thought this was a comedy bit lmao. No wonder some people think this game is just fancy softcore porn. The funniest part is, that neither of them ever show interest in each other if you don't romance SH. SH doesn't even want to join the orgy if you're either only romancing Halsin or not romancing either of them! (that alone is good enough evidence to disprove that she's just into casual sex, as stated by some) if this is all on purpose, I really have to laugh! it has to be a bad joke on the player Lmao.
It's worth mentioning, that if one is in a lesbian relationship with SH, Halsin straight-up unintentionally looks like a sexual predator in this scenario, he muscles in on sex with your partner after denying his advances (little creepy). If I had my way, the Drows wouldn't even be in the game in the first place. but then again, if I had my way, this game would just be a static jpeg of Shadowheart with 100 hours of Jennifer English speaking into the mic tbh. Shadowheart is the most vulnerable person in the party and has a past history of physical and sexual abuse from a cult she was in for the last 30 years. Halsin was a sex slave for THREE YEARS. I don't think they would be so eager to engage in an ORGY after all their recent trauma. I mean I didn't play this game expecting naughty dog/rockstar tier writing. I understand it's supposed to be a lighthearted game, but Jesus Christ This scenario sounds like it was written by a hormonal 14-year-old boy who can't even keep his story consistent. Worth mentioning that Halsin and SH have the same writer, and ONLY wrote those two characters. Besides some serious inconsistency in certain Act 3 scene(s), it's my opinion that he did a great job writing a very engaging story through SH, actually one of the few good ones lmao.
While this situation is completely avoidable, it's still written into their characters. What if: going against previous writing, SH randomly reveals in a piece of avoidable side content that, no joke, she is actually the human incarnation of Shar and has been manipulating us the whole time? Never to be mentioned again, would that not also merit rewriting as well? Though This is clearly the writer having fun at the expense of established content he himself wrote and should not be considered canon. Maybe it was something that was supposed to be more hidden but someone fucked up the flags. They should fix this and several other things that have already been outlined in the forums relating to poly. I think either properly develop the polyamory (doubt, considering how much time, effort, and rewrites that would cost) or remove all the problematic poly in the game as it is.
Halsin himself has some very undercooked Act 3 content and the drows are directly related to that, he was a late addition in development after all. he doesn't really have any use past ACT 2 because he was never supposed to be in the third act! People clearly like him and want more from him! But because of this so-called polyamory, he ditches you (or you and SH/Astarion) at the end of the game. On to his next mark, all that after you commit to him. you can't even have a happy ending by properly romancing him! I've seen even more people upset with this. Larian should prioritize him, as when you fix Halsin, you fix most of the grievances related to SH as well.
Anyway, I wrote too much, thank you for reading the ravings of a concerned individual. This depiction of polyamory serves only to further reinforce negative ideas and myths surrounding poly, portraying it as a fetish. I feel it important to mention this is all coming from the point of view of a CIS Mono straight male (I can barely handle one lady, really). Please Feel free to clown on me for devoting so much time and effort to analyzing fictional videogame romance, I had fun. Thank you for coming to my TED talk. #JusticeForHalsin
TL;DR: (see first paragraph) The Game has a very problematic depiction of polyamory, which only serves to reinforce negative ideas surrounding the practice. SH is a bad candidate for polyamory given the previous characterization that contradicts any will for anything besides a monogamous relationship with pc. Halsin can muscle himself into sex with your partner even after previously denying his advances (likely bug). The Drow twin scene is either bugged or very badly thought out, likely both.
Joined: Oct 2023
Great post, TheOracle. I replied on Reddit.
I will just comment here that, for the record, I was not offended by the way Halsin was depicted in my playthrough where my Durge romanced Wyll. Halsin made his interest known and was perfectly respectful when declined. At no point did he express judgment of those who want a monogamous relationship; he just said that monogamy wasn't for him. It then never came up again.
Now, for those wanting to romance Halsin specifically, and seeking a monogamous relationship with him, I can understand how not everything I described above would be pleasing. But in my personal experience, I have absolutely no issue with him taking his shot. It seems perfectly fair for him not to make assumptions about the PC's wants and preferences, and even Wyll's for that matter. It must be obvious to the PC that Wyll wants committed monogamy, but I don't see why Halsin should know that. So the aspect of Halsin's approach that seems perfectly fair to me is that he doesn't treat a particular preference as the obvious default.
I did find it interesting that the scene where Halsin makes his overture seems to be timed such that it always happens precisely one long rest before Wyll proposes. At least, that's how it's been in my experience. No matter what other shortcomings there might be, at least Halsin won't wait to make his attempt until after Wyll and the PC have actively committed to spending their lives together.
Joined: Oct 2023
hey guys, I don't know if this is allowed, I just posted a pretty long-winded commentary on the polyamory mechanic in BG3 on Reddit. I'm sure it is allowed, since you talk about the issue which is directly related to this topic. I, as many here, also not an expert in polygamy/polyamory, but I am sure that the core here is "relationships". If you are mono or poly you still participate in relationships with one or more partners/lovers/beloveds (whatever term you prefer). As it was said several times, Halsin has a large problem with relationships: he does not accept this term yet he wants to be with Tav and definitely has feelings for them. What he represents is not a good example if polygamy/polyamory, yes, and also there is a mix with some sort of open relationships and plus he acts, as it was mentioned several pages ago, as a cuckold. This mix is, IMO, horrible. I am so sorry for him being turned into a bucket for fetishes, cause it is not what people wanted (people who asked to add him as companion and love interest). Yes, the issue with Shadowheart is bad too, she and Astarion both are not great options for poly romance. Halsin himself at some point doesn't suit this role too. The drow scene... Well, it is a brothel, on one hand. On the other his experience as slave should be brought up before having orgy with them, that's for sure (or just be completely cut). Halsin, who is in relationships with Tav, can have this dialogue after speaking with the brothel mistress about drow twins, and after that there also may be some extra dialogue added since it is normal for Tav, who loves Halsin, to feel worried. And only after that they can decide whether or not they want to participate in orgy.
Joined: Oct 2023
None of us have an issue with Halsin shooting his shot. Again, him being open to a threeple situation is not the issue. The problems come about after you tell him no whe romancing SH and/or Astarion, or when you solo romance him.
Joined: Oct 2023
None of us have an issue with Halsin shooting his shot. Again, him being open to a threeple situation is not the issue. The problems come about after you tell him no whe romancing SH and/or Astarion, or when you solo romance him. Yes, nothing against poly things, but these poly things need to be updated/rewritten to fit healthy polygamy/polyamory. So, I guess, it would be ok to probably get rid of his "fluid" thing. Or this "fliud" thing also needs to be updated.
Joined: Sep 2023
There are some issues with the scenario as it stands. Mind that the below only really touches on the nature of his romance, not the other aspects of it (like the bestiality stuff). 1. His act 1 and act 2 writing don't imply poly whatsoever, though at least you never had a talk about it with him, so it could be shrugged off as "I guess I just misunderstood". 2. He refuses any sort of attachment, which means point 1. is currently moot since he's not actually poly at all and his lack of interest in attachment is generally contradictory of his writing in act 1 and act 2. 3. You can't really solo romance him. The only thing that changes is that he won't ask your partner to be a part of it, since you don't have one. 4. Some other companions (namely Shadowheart and Astarion, but a few others too) react completely out of character to the suggestion, based on their overall writing and their answer to the exact same question up to 5 times prior to this. 5. In some scenarios, he keeps pushing even when you decline him. 6. Accepting this open relationship (it's not poly, as is clear from point 2.) doesn't change anything. It is never really acknowledged, the romance story of those you are involved with doesn't change whatsoever, there is no consequence. All in all, it just screams late addition inconsistency, and it makes no sense it's added the way it is if the game itself doesn't acknowledge that the choice is accepted.
Edit: And for AmayaTenjo
7. None of this is what anyone asking for his addition wanted or were even remotely thinking of.
Last edited by Michieltjuhh; 24/10/23 04:02 PM.
Joined: Oct 2023
7. None of this is what anyone asking for his addition wanted or were even remotely thinking of
But he doesnt seem to be the only one with GLARING narrative issues and I am now back to being very upset and almost not wanting to play the game
Joined: Sep 2023
7. None of this is what anyone asking for his addition wanted or were even remotely thinking of
But he doesnt seem to be the only one with GLARING narrative issues and I am now back to being very upset and almost not wanting to play the game Honestly? Reject Halsin, reject Mizora, don't bring Astarion (and probably SH) to the brothel and you should be fine. Then it's just the endings left but if you don't want to see Astarion's "good" one just let him ascend, his power trips are entertaining and his face won't be melting off in the end. And he gets gameplay benefits.
Joined: Oct 2023
I've been encouraged to make a thread on poly using this commentary. I don't think it'd be a good idea. Given I'd just be repeating what has been said here and on the SH thread thousands of times already. We can discuss this for fun, but the forum has already given their view of this, all we can do is wait on larian to do anything about it. they are certainly aware of it at least. oh, and I want to express my admiration for Michieltjuhh, I've never seen analysis so articulate and concise over a fictional videogame romance, as I saw on the other thread, very well done!  though I will make a separate thread if that's wanted (as long as the mods are okay with it) I won't participate in any discussion, and again sorry if this is off-topic, I don't want to step on any toes here
Joined: Oct 2023
7. None of this is what anyone asking for his addition wanted or were even remotely thinking of
But he doesnt seem to be the only one with GLARING narrative issues and I am now back to being very upset and almost not wanting to play the game Honestly? Reject Halsin, reject Mizora, don't bring Astarion (and probably SH) to the brothel and you should be fine. Then it's just the endings left but if you don't want to see Astarion's "good" one just let him ascend, his power trips are entertaining and his face won't be melting off in the end. And he gets gameplay benefits. The only issue I have with Astarions good ending is what the other characters do and how we are not allowed to react appropriately As per my post in the endings general I am absolutely livid about this I refuse to accept that people weve been fighting with and have become friends with will turn around and do that, it is inexcusable writing and thats all I will say about it in this thread as this one is about Halsin
Joined: Oct 2023
None of us have an issue with Halsin shooting his shot. Again, him being open to a threeple situation is not the issue. The problems come about after you tell him no whe romancing SH and/or Astarion, or when you solo romance him. Sure, I'm not suggesting otherwise. I'm sorry that people on those paths are encountering those issues. While positive feedback like mine is not especially actionable compared to your own feedback, I hope that it at least contributes to a somewhat representative big picture.
Joined: Oct 2023
Well in my Opinion i Beleave that Halsin should Have been Only a Special NPC Like Mizora yu would Be able to Romance Him and do his quests.. but he was shoehorned at the last moment into this game like karlach as companion and thats why a bunch of people are feeling this way with him.. that was the Mistake.. and will just say one More Thing.. 2 Druids as Companions in the Same path in the Game like the Good one is Useless.. (i never actually see a meaning in Bring him out of the camp after saving the Shadowcurse.. Becouse of The Other Druid yu get in Act 2.. wich in my opinion is a Much Better Companion and adition to the Game becouse she is the Legend from the Last games..) should have been Zevlor as a Pala or at least Alfira ho is a Bard.. if they Reaaaly want 2 Druids Should Have been Kagha that i beleave would work like Minthara Only Dark Games yu would bring her.. (becouse yu dont Have a Druid in the Darker Path.. yu will only have one if yu play as a druid)
Last edited by Thorvic; 24/10/23 05:38 PM.
Joined: Oct 2023
None of us have an issue with Halsin shooting his shot. Again, him being open to a threeple situation is not the issue. The problems come about after you tell him no whe romancing SH and/or Astarion, or when you solo romance him. Sure, I'm not suggesting otherwise. I'm sorry that people on those paths are encountering those issues. While positive feedback like mine is not especially actionable compared to your own feedback, I hope that it at least contributes to a somewhat representative big picture. Oh it does for sure! Everyones inputs so far have been constructive from my perspective since I started posting on page 40 something. Im actually having a lot of fun discussing it. I wasnt trying to be defensive just VERY CLEAR because this topic easily devolves into other arguments, and since a lot of us have a deep emotional investment in these characters things can get heated. And its easy to get lost in the poly vs mono thing as it apllies to real life rather than what makes and doesnt make narrative sense or what makes sense for the character. But its also really difficult to not bring up the "poly" thing because they wrote it in such a way you cant seperate it from the character, or his questionable behaviour in regards to sex
Last edited by AmayaTenjo; 24/10/23 08:29 PM. Reason: Edited for more positive language