Originally Posted by Michieltjuhh
Originally Posted by AmayaTenjo
How do they expect anyone to not ask her that though? I always asking the companions everything I can even if it repeats. Everytime I go to camp, long rest, or change areas I talk to them to see if theres anything new. Its how I got Halsin's dialogue about his feelings about leaving the grove.
One can only assume it's a bug. There's no reason that it would update while only available a single time (and it can be asked the moment you meet her on the beach). It turns into the other repeatable question which answer doesn't update, so they probably just messed something up.

For what it's worth, while Halsin has the same writer and thus also a similar dialogue option (great addition, other companions should really get this too), I don't think Halsin has this issue, since his 'permanent' dialogue doesn't have a one-time different version upon meeting him.

I really do wish he had more to say, I was so surprised he had NOTHING to day about Gale when we met with his grandad, The Creche and Lae'zel, or the myconids.