Originally Posted by Bloodshed
Well, any source about half-drow in society of Menzoberranzan. Their fate mostly is to be sacrificed or become slaves. Absolute most of them is offsprings of male drow and woman other race. So for lolth-sworn drow female gives birth to a half-drow something equals sacrilege (and it's a bit obvious due to drow racism).

I see. I thought you were implying Minthara said that in-game. I don’t think she would care if the other nobles questioned her. She would, however, care if her child was to be harmed. In which case, she has stated that she would kill anyone who got in her way. And if she were to rule over Menzoberranzan, she would definitely try to reshape the rules or customs there.

I personally don’t like the Menzoberranzan ending for her as it’s much better for her to start anew and leave that (toxic) life behind, but that is a matter of preferences.

Originally Posted by Bloodshed
I guess her gratitude override her racism as it should for most people especially after saving from death sentence situation.
It’s not so much overriding as evolving lol. Clearly her world view gets challenged when she starts travelling with you.

Minthara bug list, updated for Hotfix #22.