Originally Posted by Thorvic
"Larian always neglected the forum. To much criticism here. Reading the stream of praises and simping on Reddit is much more fun."
Thats kinda the reallity indeed since last update they went Silence and i even saw in some other posts people saying that the Sven i beleave the Head of the Stuff even went on vacation..
so Yeah the Game its Not Finished not even Fixed and they broke even more since 3.0 so..
i Really dont beleave that this game will ever get a Fix for Act 3 or the Endings and they probably will just Move On with there lives after recieving so Much Praise from a Bunch of People that not even Beat the Game to actually see the Shit Show that act 3 and the endings are.. Shame Larian.. Real shame.
and indeed i dont Trust nor Beleave in Anything they say anymore about this game.

Never finished the game eh ? Over 900 hours later and not one major gamebreaking bug. In any of my 6 playthroughs. Now I can understand peoples pc are different and then there is consoles so bugs may creep up but this game is way more polished than a lot of other games out there. And what is this about endings people. The game was made with its endings period. Where have you ever seen any company change endings just because someone out there don't like them. This is not a pick your happy meal at the drive through. People just want to complain about everything. Patch 3 broke absolutely nothing sorry not sorry. Does act 3 need polish sure but its hardly worth the constant whining. One thing I can agree on is that there should be more interaction with the community. They are way to quiet with information.