Originally Posted by Bloodshed
Well, no. Later in the game she will call Orin "iblith" ('offal', 'excrement') - that is super racist insult to any race except surface elves (there is different insult) in drow language. In my opinion her racism stops at your non-drow character and companions because her gratitude and yours usefulness/love interest to you.

She uses “iblith” for Orin because she was the one who manipulated her and caused her exile. She hates that woman (and herself) for practically ruining her life. The frequent usage of the word itself points towards racism, because drow society is racist, but the context of which she uses it in what you’re using as an example is not. She’s just saying Orin is shit, no matter what race she is.

Keep in mind, I’m not saying Minthara isn’t racist. Approximately 200 years of living in drow society will shape her to follow their teachings and it will be hard to break away from, but to me, she seems to tone it down further along the story and keeps a more pragmatic point of view. This is already seen when you first talk to her upon arriving at Baldur's Gate.

Originally Posted by Bloodshed
Well, I think it's impossible to reshape whole society until there will be objective reasons to develop.
Yep. The complications that you have pointed out is the exact reason why I don't think Minthy should go back there lol. Her Menzoberranzan ending is completely optional, and I'm grateful for that. Also, I'm not adding on about her half-drow offspring. The possibility of her having children is already getting to headcanon territory, so you can think however you wish smile

Minthara bug list, updated for Hotfix #22.