Originally Posted by Noelle666
Originally Posted by catclaw
Originally Posted by Tarlonniel
IIRC he's the only male companion who seems like he even wants kids (Gale doesn't really like the idea, I'm not sure it ever comes up with Astarion or Wyll).

After not reading this thread for a week (needed a break from reading Halsin's writing flaws to the point I'd get sad because I love my strong wise kind druid from Act 1+2) I finally caught up crazy

Just want to say I read somewhere on here I think that there's a banter between Halsin and Wyll talking about family stuff? Apparently Halsin said he has regrets not starting a family or something. I couldn't find this banter so if this actually happens and someone came across this please let us know what the lines were cry At this point I'm just grasping whatever positive Halsin content I can get for my poor heart.

Right now I am in a process of listening of banters between companions (thanks to a kind soul who uploaded them to YouTube). I found this... kind of scandalous banter between Lae'zel and Halsin (I think it was mentioned in Shadowheart's thread) about hydra. Yikes. It was... kind of gross reading it ,and listening to it voiced by actors... Yikes again.
If I find the one you are talking about I'll post link to the video and timecode.

Any chance you could link the videos you are listening to? Maybe with timestamp to the hydra topic you mentioned.